
7 1 0

by akira0707

You hated him, you hated what he did who he was, you couldn't stand the sight of his gleaming eyes framed by thick black lashes that almost looked like kohl. Eyes that were unnaturally bright with the effects of the little white pill he held between his fingers, you hated his lips, soft and pouty with a naturally rosy tint that made them irresistible. Most of all you hated the effect Min Yoongi had on you, the way he manipulated you and made every part of you burn for this man. Even now you looked into his eyes as a slight smile played on his lips but there was no mirth only malice in the way he looked at you.
"Just one time"
The deep timber of his voice was like a sweet caress as he practically purred licking his lips, you nodded as if in a trance as the stench of his favorite drug filled the dim hotel room. The scent coming from a burning cigarate resting on the hotels night table.He cocked his head slightly to one side as his fingers grazed your lips.
"This will never happen again"
His feline eyes fell to your mouth as you opened and he slid the pill between your lips his fingers resting there for a moment before he pulled back slightly and pressed his glass to your lips. The strong burning liquid made you flinch as it washed down the pill.
"That's my girl"
You sat in stunned silence the feeling of anticipation heavy in the air as Yoongi finished of the drink and ran a hand through his disheveled hair. Your eyes focused on the chain around his neck, the dog tag swaying with his movements as he slowly got up his stance unsteady as he swayed to the comfort of a plush chair just feet from the bed you sat on. Long lean legs sprawled in front of him as he watched you like a sadistic king holding court . It was too late to run, too late to do what you should have done earlier and walked out of his hotel room without a look back. What were you still doing? What made you stay and play his sinister game. Yet as your thoughts began to get cloudy and disjointed you knew, this was only one part of the man you desperately loved this was not your Yoongi. The man that sat before you was the ruthless criminal that stalked the night streets of Seoul one out of seven that brought fear to its citizens.
Maybe you were just as fucked up as he was maybe a part of you craved the danger or maybe you were slowly losing your mind because the person that you knew you were would never be in this luxury hotel room with a known criminal swallowing a pill he offered.
"Yoongi, what....what did you...g...give..."
Your words trailed off as you mind fogged up and your body began to burn, a delicious heat that radiated and throbbed through you settling at your core as you moaned in response. Suddenly your body was not your own as a hand came up to touch your neck and slowly run down the curve of your breasts .A surreal feeling of euphoric heat that had you smiling as senses took over reason and your vision began to swim in the most pleasant way possible. You should have ran! A distant voice screamed before it was washed away by another wave of heat. You bit your lip and watched Yoongi take his cell phone out from his jeans pocket, his bleached hair falling into his eyes as be gave you a half smile.
"Show me how much you want me"
He rasped out as all sense of lucid consciousness escaped you.

(He's a bustard😭 don't forgot to vote guys)

(He's a bustard😭 don't forgot to vote guys)

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(Forget whatever i said UwU)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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