14. ignorancy 😏😠

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After kids returned form school

Guards open the door for them they thought their mama will come hug them like usually

But today that doesn't happen no one come to greet them today

Rina: where is mama (to Guard)

Guard: madam is not in mansion, he go out of mansion

Guk: he is not in home (pout)

Rina: maybe will he return after sometime

Guk: I hope so

Yunguk and rina go to their room put down their bags and go downstairs

They saw tae come in mansion with bags in his both hands

Kids run to their mama while smiling they were happy that their mama returned

They hugged his legs tightly

Tae in mind: I went out to buy groceries but when I come home back

Yunguk and rina hugged me tightly

They barely hug their mama or talk with him it's rare moment for him

But this time he didn't hugged them back like always, he went to kitchen and start putting things in their place

Kids followed him to the kitchen like lost puppies

Rina: mama did you went out

Tae: umm

Guk: why didn't tell guard uncle to buy groceries

Guk and rina were actually waiting for him to ask them how was their school, did they lunch and other school

But today he didn't asked them anything as they both get irritate when tae hugs them and ask them about their day

Tae: you both didn't changed your uniforms yet

Guk :we were actually waiting for you

Tae: I didn't asked you both to wait (coldly)

Tae never talked like this to them it's break their heart but they don't know how many they break tae's heart into millions of pieces

This coldness for them is nothing inforent of how much tae tolerate and how many they break him internally

Rina: mom help us to change

Tae; you both have grown up now don't you , so changing your own clothes is a small thing

He remind them what they said when tae does used to wash them, help them to get ready and feed them

They almost got tears in their doe eyes , they went to their room

After sometime

Tae gave them snacks but not which he used to make for them

He actually buy some snacks form outside and gave them that

This what they want right ✅️ then why being sad now

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