Chapter 12 : Jealous, Jealous, Jealous

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A month passed by since (Y/N) finally started working, it was a very tiring work for him since he is basically handling two jobs, but he quickly grew accustomed to his work. However, for Ei, she also eventually got used to something she and (Y/N) did. On the first week of (Y/N)'s work, Ei decided to make every end of the week to be a "date night" for her and (Y/N) since (Y/N) work is tiring and Ei wants to get to know him better and treat him from time to time. During the following weeks, she got used to having a date with (Y/N) every Friday night.

On this week though, not everything went as planned...

It was 6 P.M. and (Y/N) was cleaning his desk. Ei was also at her desk reading a book.

Knock Knock Knock

Ei: Come in!

Sara then entered the office.

Sara: Ei, the boys wanted to take (Y/N) out for some drin-

Itto then barged in and interrupted Sara.

Itto: We want to take (Y/N) out for some drinks!

Itto then ran up to (Y/N) and hugged him tight.

Itto: Missed you, buddy! Haven't seen you in a while!

Sara then gave an angry glare to Itto.

Sara: Don't just barge in like that, babe!

Itto: Oh, sorry, baby!

Ayato and Thoma also came in the office and walked up to (Y/N) and Itto.

Ayato: Since (Y/N) has been here for more than a month, we wanted to take him out for some drinks. Y'know, to celebrate.

Thoma: Yup! A boy's night out basically!

Itto then looked at Ei.

Itto: Yo, Ei! (Y/N) isn't busy tonight right?

Ei: Oh, we were supposed to go somewhere but it's fine I guess...

Ei said with hesitation, she tried to force out a smile to make it seem it's actually fine but in truth, it wasn't.

Itto looked back at (Y/N)

(Y/N): Put me down, man! I can't breathe!

Itto didn't realize that he's still hugging (Y/N) tight.

Itto: Oh, sorry, dude!

Itto stopped hugging (Y/N) and put him down.

Ayato: So, (Y/N), what do you say? Wanna come with?

Itto: Come with us, man! Ayato's paying anyway!

Thoma: You forced Ayato to pay for us y'know, because you don't have any money.

Itto: He's rich anyway!

Ayato: Yeah, it's fine.

Sara sighed and went up to Itto, she pulled her wallet out and gave Itto some mora.

Sara: Take this, babe, go get something for yourself. I gotta leave, I'll just be at your place, have fun on your night out, okay?

Sara gave Itto a kiss on the cheek and left the room. The office fell silent a bit.

Ei: Well, that was...unexpected, haven't seen her be nice like that.

Thoma: Yeah, she's always angry about something, guess she has a soft spot for Itto.

Itto: It's not like that everyday, she still gets angry at me from time to time when I do something stupid.

Thoma: She just cares, man

SHE'S THE ARCHON?! (Ei [Raiden Shogun] x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now