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/ It's 3:32 am in a rainy night.  Dark clouds are making it more scarier. But a man in graveyard  on someone's grave crying his heart out.  A man who used to be as dark as blackhole is having a tears in his eyes . What a scene ! /

/ His restless eyes , sore throat   . In one hand a champaign and in another a bouquet of white moon flowers. /

/ I wonder why is he here at someone's grave crying so hard at this time ?  It's too late to here .   I think He must be missing this person . /

[ Luciano POV ]

/ It's probably 3 in night or I don't know.  I am just so tired.  I know I'm quite drunk but I know one thing where to go to find some peace. Since you're gone , every night I'm feeling restless,  dizziness,  craziness which I have never felt. /

Luciano :- well mon amore ( My love) tu me manques  (I miss you ) . Je suis désolé (I'm sorry ) . But I miss you alot . It's your 25th birthday . And guess what you are not here to celebrate your birthday. Loook what i bought . Your favourite flowers. The moon flower.It's been 3 years you left me.  You left me with nothing  but regrets and your painful memories. Can't you come back to me ?

/A tear dropped on his hand. /

Luciano :- look amore ,  this is my tear what you wanted to see. I'm crying.  This dark emperor  , this heartless monster , devil is crying.  I think your wish is fulfilled now mon amore ( my love ) . The way you used to curse that one day I'll regret , one day I'll cry the way you used to.

/ I sobbed as I remember those painful screams to stop me. /

Luciano :- Everything you said are becoming real except one thing .

/ I scoffed. /

Luciano:-  Remember you told me , that my ego , my attitude , my money , my power , my awe,  my strength  , my darkness , all will vanish when I'll be in my grave . It's not truth . You lied to me.  These all things faded since you're gone ! You didn't tell me that this will fade as you're gone. 

/I screamed and this time Nature also supported me with thunderstorm.  /


/ I just screamed and cried.  /

Luciano :- I miss you alot . I can't live like this. If it's not your last wish that you don't want me there with you . I swear amore I have killed myself right after you. 

/ I smiled at her bitter words.  /

Luciano :- you wanted me to regret. And look each and every second I'm regretting.  For what I've done , for what I have taken from you.  Yo~~you always wanted peace and freedom.  Now you are at your peace but still not free from me . Cause you are the reason I'm breathing.  I swear comeback I'll give you freedom  and anything you want.  That laptop , tv , smartphone , garden , purse , heels , I'll give you your education too.  Just come back.  I won't stop you anymore.  I wanna hug you so tight mon amore.  My heart is full of things  that I can't say . No one understand me . I want you.   je t'aime ( I LOVE YOU )  . I know I should have said these words before but mais désolé mon amour  ( but sorry love ) I ~~

/ I was interrupted by a familiar voice . I didn't care to look behind . /

Andrew :- Luci...Luci... come here bro ! Why are you here at this time ? It's so late and raining heavily  .

/ He said as held me by my shoulder to make me stand on my leg as I can't walk properly because of drink . But instead I pulled him . An umbrella from his hand fell on  ground. /

Luciano :-  sit here  Andrew. 

/ He did as I said. /

Luciano :- Andrew I miss her. 
Andrew:- I know that buddy it's too late to stay here , let's go home we'll come here tomorrow. 

Luciano:- No , you don't know . How much i miss her . No one know what I feel about her.  I'm all alone bearing this.  You don't know anything. 

Andrew :- okay then let's go home tell me there whatever you feel ?

Luciano:- No , I wanna stay with her . It's her birthday. 

Andrew :- But atleast look at time. 

/ He said as he showed me his wrist watch . /

Luciano :- I don't care about time . Just sit here and let me  light up the candles . And you didn't even wished her happy  birthday. 

/ I said with gritting my teeth.  As I take cake which is wet and poisonous now . /

Andrew:-  Happy birthday sister in law . And put that cake back it's ruined now.

Luciano :-  No it's enough for me. 

Andrew :- you'll be poisoned by this cake luci.  Understand ! Just once !

Luciano:-  then let it be . I wanna go to her.  I can't live like this .

Andrew :- Remember she asked for peace . You wanna take that from her in heaven too ???

/ He asked as I just out my tears .
Nothing is with me then my regret and painful memory.  He hugged me . /

Andrew :- Luci , let's go from her .  Let her rest in peace on her birthday , hmm ???

Luciano:- you can go.   I wanna stay with her tonight .

Andrew :- it's her birthday . What about giving her some peace and space as a birthday gift ?

Luciano:- oh , yes . You are right . She might not feel good on her birthday.  Let's go from here .

After some time :-
/ I'm in my room . As no one is allowed here not even Andrew. I did my routine of counting days without her. It's 1096th day without her. /

/ Now I went to my closet for changing but then I looked ar her clothes.  A smile popped on my lips remember how scared and naive she was when she used to hide in this closet . But then I felt sting pain  in my heart when I realize I was the reason why she was so scared.  She was living such a wrost life . /

/ I opened a drawer and took out her handkerchief  and placed it on my face . It still smells like before . This fragrance is captivating  me . After this my eyes landed on something . It's her favorite purse , more like a pieces of that purse.  I remember that . But still she kept it here ? Hided from me ? But you still failed ? I found it after all ! She begged me that day alot for not doing this bloody sin . Beside that purse something caught my attention.  It's a photoframe . Our first couple photoframe.  In our wedding clothes . She is still looking so pretty in her wedding  gown. She  cried alot on our wedding day.  Every bad thing I have done to her now is roaming on my fucking mind.  I think I killed her. I should have listened to her when she was bagging me for mercy. /

/ Then I take that photoframe and take it with me in my bed . Trying to sleep when i know I can't sleep . There is no peace in sleeping . My every night is sleepless.  My every meal is tasteless.  My life has became timeless . Peace is restless . The one thing that is her thought . These thought about her are not less . I wanna go to her.  I wanna go somewhere  where I will find some peace . Where I find some rest.  No Luciano murphy. No devil . /

/ I just want myself to be human again . /


                By Péi

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