speed force arc

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Chapter 8: Gari and Waru

Gari is fighting someone and this person smiles

Person: hello I am Waru!

Gari looks surprised as he knows Waru a monster that has ended multiverse's for fun and Gari smiled knowing he gets to go against a enemy that is level 8 And can use the speed force

Narrator: well time to explain speed force just kidding better go to my account where it'll tell you about the speed force because I'm definitely not so better go to https://www.wattpad.com/user/yaboinethertank

As Gari was smiling a praying mantis appeared behind him the praying mantis had its head covered in bones and it's whole spine and arms and Gari runs to Waru and punches him and kicks Waru in the neck then he punches Waru's stomach leaving a hole but Waru didn't react he just looked down and smiled he tanked all the damage and the hole in his stomach started healing and he punches Gari but Gari parried the punch but his arm has a scar and that scar has poison his arm was turning purple

Gari(mind): what?

Gari: what did you do?...

Waru smiles

Waru: I poisoned you

Gari looks surprised and angry

Waru: Shadow Force

All of a sudden a shadow monster appears and it was a mix of deformed human body parts and black goo and decomposing skin and Waru smiles as the shadow monster runs to Gari's soul Praying Mantis

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