Chapter 1 Rescue Training!

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It was just like any other school day, get up go downstairs, say good morning to everyone, grab some breakfast, and get pushed out the door by Iida because he didn't want us to be late. But today felt different, I don't know it just felt odd. I had this pit in my stomach like something might happen...but we'll be fine right?
"I am here! with big news!" all might said, rushing into the room. "Todays training so going to be...drumroll please young bakugou.."
"ughh shut up, just tell us" bakugou said looking annoyed as ever.

"TODAY WILL BE RESCUE TRAINING!" class 1A all looked around at each other in excitement, even bakugou looked pretty thrilled. The class hasn't done much rescue training yet. "Now that everyone has gotten better at using their quirks to the best of their ability and with the exam/work studies coming up, all might and I thought it would be a good time to focus more in rescue training." Said Aizawa looking tired as ever.

"THAT'S RIGHT YOUNG STUDENTS! you will be split up into two teams and conducting the search of a victim who got trapped in need of a rescue! so without further a do...Aizawa will you do the honours of separating teams!"

" one who will also go first is Midoriya, Kaminari, Bakugou, Todoroki, Ochaco, yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Iida, Tsu, and Tokoyami. Team two..."

Todoroki POV
we were waiting outside the building after Mr. Aizawa gave us instructions, conducting a plan. Bakugou, Denki, and Kirishima left already to do their own surprise.

Midoriya decided it would be best if we split up into teams to cover more ground and search each level. I was with tokoyami the place was very dark and unstable. It felt like we weren't getting anywhere.

"Why don't you use more fire so we can see better?" "I only want to use the right amount that's good for you so dark shadow doesn't come out if I use too much we might get carbon monoxide poisoning, since this place is so closed off. I wonder if anyone else fou-"




Midoriya POV
everything happened so fast, there was lots of shaking then the floor gave out.
"DEKU! DEKU! where-"
"I'm right here ochaco are you okay?"
"ya i think so, where's tsu?!"
"right here, ribbit"
"oh thank god, I think there was an earthquake where are we...ahhh"


darks shadow all of the sudden was under control that's when Midoriya noticed bakugo, kirishima, and kaminari are also all on the same floor.
"hey nerd, what the hell just happened?"
"I think there was an earthquake, we all must have fallen to the same level is everyone okay??"
"No...Todoroki he..."
"Tokoyami...where's todoroki?" asked a very worried kaminari.

"you guys okay down there?!" that was momo who was with Iida.
"ya but we're missing Todoroki! go get Mr. Aizawa!" I called out to them. The earthquake had to have been at least close to a 7 magnitude if that's the case he hopes it's not going to be to hard to get out of here and have their teachers find them. But their main priority was looking for Todoroki.

"We felt the ground shake pretty hard, then rocks were falling, Todoroki tried to put up an ice wall to help but, as soon as he did I lost sight of his fire. That's when dark shadow went out of control, I think I hit him back and knocked him out...then some more debris fell...guys I'm sorry i don't know how-"

"It's okay tokoyami it's not your fault." I reassured. "right now our main priority is finding that Icy hot bastard, and I swear to god if he's dead I'll kill him myself!" "kachan! don't say that!"

"I think he hit that wall and landed over there near that pile of rocks."

As soon as Tokoyami said that everyone ran into action...this was no longer training this was real life and if they didn't get to him in time who knows what will happen.

Aizawa POV
As soon as the earthquake hit and the already unstable building became more unstable I ran to the entrance. Recovery girl went to get more teachers as I instructed because we needed to get the kids out as soon as possible.

Just as he was about to reach the entrance out came Iida and yaoyorozu.
"Mr. Aizawa! help!" cried Iida
"what happened? where is everyone else?"
"they're safe but trapped on the bottom floor however..."
yaoyorozu looked down a tear falling from her eye...shit.
"They don't know where Todoroki is, they asked us to get you and to come as soon as possible to help. I think he's trapped maybe even hurt."

No, no, no, this can't be happening.
"I'm going in you two stay here! no buts! recovery girl will be back with more teachers I need you to fill them in and get them inside asap. got it!"
"Yes sir!" they both said, Aizawa being surprised at how compliant their being.
And with that he ran inside not knowing what to expect when he got inside but he know it wasn't going to be good given these kids track record.

Todoroki POV

It's so dark.

Mom knows I don't like the dark.

I want the light.

I can't breathe.

Did dad hit me too hard again? my stomach a lot.

It's kind of cold. Is my quirk on?

Move body come on.

I'm stuck. Can't feel anything.


That's my name don't wear it out...ow...don't laugh.

"where are you!"

Right here you guys are so stupid. Why can't I move? Why is it so dark? so cold. So tired. Hurts to breathe. Can't breathe.

"guys right here! Mr. Aizawa! help!"

Mr. Aizawa...where was he...oh there's a faint like. I see green, brown, red? Dad? Where's mom, and Natsu and Yumi.

Am I dead? like Touya...



you guys are so loud. I want to sleep. It's getting dark again.


ugh leave me alone. stop yelling.


Can't breathe.

Third Person POV

Aizawa was expecting the worst but not THIS bad. When he found the kids they all screamed for help. He calmed them down and told them to back up...they didn't need to see more.

The class stepped back horrified at what they saw as Aizawa made their way through kneeling down next to Todoroki who was shivering, skin as white as snow, he didn't even He was. Aizawa was determined to make sure he was.

Kneeling next to Todoroki he assessed the situation.
First, pale, cooler than usual to the touch, most likely has a concussion. Next, his chest wasn't moving starting CPR as soon as possible, and finally, his lower body, he had a big metal rod sticking out of his stomach (keep it in or he'll bleed out), there were also rocks on his lower back and legs (please let there be no long term effects from that).

The classed watched in horror as their teacher did CPR on their friend and classmate, breathing for him but nothing was working. They didn't even notice the other hero's recovery girl and some paramedics pass by.

"Oh dearie" said recovery girl. "there's nothing I can do have the paramedics take over Aizawa he needs a hospital asap"

Aizawa stepped aside, present mic tried to get the students to back away and get to a safe place. So they don't see the paramedics put a neck brace on their friend and shove a tube down his through attaching a bag to it and watch as they controlled the rising and falling of his chest.

They picked him up on a stretcher and got him out of the building and into an ambulance enrote to the hospital.

The students fought saying they needed to go with him to make sure he was okay but present mic assured that he would keep them updated and to shower and go back to the dorms.

Mr. Aizawa was the only one who went with Todoroki. Calling his family in the waiting room as they rushed him into emergency surgery. 

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