Chapter 4 Going Home

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Procrastinating my work again :/
this will be the final chapter :(
TW: vomit

"I'm done!" Todoroki come on you were almost there! why don't we try again. It's been two weeks since Shoto woke up. His stiches were removed, on his abdomen, so the doctors decided to start physio so he could re learn to walk again. The first week was rough, he hated feeling so weak. He could barely stand let alone take a step without falling.

"I don't want to try again, can we just go back" Shoto asked the nurse as he helped him up. "sure thing bud! you did better today though! almost two whole steps and you were able to stand longer!" This didn't feel like a victory to Shoto. Considering he was one of the strongest in their class and it took a stupid rock to take that all away from him, he wasn't sure why the nurse was so happy at the fact he took one and a half steps.

"Thanks" Shoto said glaring at the nurse as he was placed back in the wheelchair he hated so much yet he to rely on now to get anywhere. "Come on don't look at me like that. What you did today takes some patients a month to get and you did it in almost a week!"

Shoto was still stuck in the hospital. Due to the tube he still had feeding him, the doctors thought it would be best to keep him at the hospital until they try to introduce him to solids again. It's also easier on him for when he has his physio appointments.

As they were coming up to the door of his room Fuyumi was standing outside with a big smile on her face awaiting her brother. "Hi Shoto! how was it today?" Shoto didn't say anything just looked to the side and let the nurse do all the talking. "He was awesome right bud! Took a whole two steps and stood for almost a minute!" Fuyumi looked like she could cry, Shoto just mumbled under his breath "one and a half..." "hey close enough!" said the nurse.

"Oh Shoto I'm so proud of you!" Fuyumi said bending down to give her brother a hug. "Well we have a surprise for you! lets go inside!" Fuyumi opened the door to reveal some of his classmates, specifically the ones he did the training with, and Mr. Aizawa. "TODOROKI!" They all said in unison. Shoto was shocked, the only other person from the class who came to visit was Mr. Aizawa but her was there from the beginning. He was almost embarrassed, he didn't like his classmates seeing him in a wheelchair, still looking pale and skinny with a tube sticking out of his nose. His face turned red.

"Oh, hi guys it's been a while"

"No shit sherlock you were in a coma for a month and when Mr. Aizawa told us you were awake he also said we couldn't see you yet because you needed some time to heal"

"Well clearly I'm not healed all the way yet."

"Dude, a building collapsed on you of course you're not gonna be healed!" Kaminari said making Shoto feel kind of stupid and turning more red as if that was possible at this point.

"Anyways we're just all glad your alive Todoroki. These things take time before you know it you'll be back on your feet in no time!" Midoriya said, which made Shoto smile. Fuyumi was watching from the doorway and that small smile is what made he cry silent tears once again. She hasn't seen him smile like that since the accident.
They all hung out for about an hour until Mr. Aizawa noticed Shoto looking pretty tired and gathered all the children. "hope to see you back in the dorms soon Todoroki!" They all said.

"hey icy hot next time push for four FULL steps, I want to spar with you sooner rather than later so hurry up and get better"

"I'll try, thanks Bakugou"

"Take care kid, I might stop by again tomorrow to drop off some work you need to catch up on."

"Okay thanks Mr. Aizawa"

Just as they were all leaving and Shoto thought he could finally rest Natsuo came in with Fuyumi, Rei and take-out.

"whoa, hey little bro didn't know you were so popular" Natsuo said giving Shoto a smirk. Setting down the take-out on a little coffee table in the room. Rei went over to place a kiss on top of Shotos head then sat down with her other children to eat. Shoto eyed the food and almost drooled, oh how he missed solid food. Fuyumi must have noticed, "Shoto, are you feeling hungry? I can call the nurse if you'd like?" He hated being hooked up to that machine just to eat, they all knew this, but he would rather do that than starve. He looked away and gave a quiet "sure."

"Perfect I'll call the nurse and you can eat with us!" Fuyumi said with a smile I she reached for the call button. Meals weren't the same anymore. It's weird but Shoto missed his stomach even though it's just an organ, but he knows he'll never be normal again when it comes to eating. Even when he gets put back on solids the doctors said he would have to be put on a strict diet--just like before when he was little--he though as they told him.

The nurse came in with all her surprise happy to see the family all enjoying a meal together. "Do you want stay in your wheelchair closer to your family or in bed?" The nurse asked as she was setting up the supplies. Shoto loves his family but her was so tired and just wanted to lie down. He knew they would understand.

"Bed please I'm pretty tired."

Natsuo jumped up to wheel Shoto to his bed, "Natsu what are you doing?" Asked Shoto,

"What I'm not allowed to help my baby bro into bed, plus while I'm up I'll move the table over, I already know you're feeling guilty for not sitting with us, we get it though Sho you had a busy day." Natsuo says as he goes to lift shoto into bed making sure he's comfortable before moving over the table and chairs.

"Okay almost done Shoto just going to connect the tube and I'll leave you alone with your family until it's done" the nurse said with a smile. Shoto let the nurse connect the tube and start the machine then laid his head back on the pillow Natsuo set up for him.

"Thank you for the food Natsuo it's very good." Fuyumi said. "Yes, this is very good, thank you sweety."

"You're welcome! glad you guys like it! How's your dinner Sho?" Natsuo teased turning over to his little brother. Shoto turned to his brother rolling his eyes, "Kind of bland" Everyone laughed.

It was nice being together like this, after all that happened, they were all just glad to be with each other, however, as Shoto drifted off he couldn't help but think about his father, everyone was here but him. Every time he asked about him they would just shut it down. It's not like he was sad that Endeavour wasn't here, just, curious. Shoto almost died, did his father even care?

The next month was a lot for Shoto. Physio was going well, he can stand for longer periods of time and has been taking more than four steps now. The doctors have him using crutches but occasionally he'll use his wheelchair.

The doctors also started to give him more liquids and today they'll take him off the feeding tube. If he's able to eat a small portion of solids the doctors said they'll be able to release him tomorrow.

"Today's the day sho! are you excited?" said Natsuo coming into the hospital room followed by Aizawa. Fuyumi couldn't make it because she had to work and his mother wasn't having a good day so she decided to stay home. So Natsuo decided to invite Shoto's teacher as he's been helping the family every step of the way throughout the recovery.

Shoto wasn't sure how to feel, he didn't want to upset anyone if he couldn't hold down solid food and he especially didn't want to be put back on that god awful feeding tube again. So maybe more nervous? "I'm a little nervous." "don't be nervous kid, before you know it you'll back in the dorms with everyone, don't tell them I told you this but they're already planning a welcome back party." Aizawa said trying to calm the nerves of his student.

With that statement the doctor walked in with a few nurses to take out Shotos feeding tube and give him his first solid meal in months.

"Okay buddy we're going to give you this bag incase you throw up, it can be a little uncomfortable so we're going to try and do it as fast as possible, we also have some water you can drink and your food ready for you whenever your ready."

Shoto took the bag in one hand and in the other he held Natsuos hand, the nurse advised him to try not to flinch away as that'll be a natural reflex.

"ready sho" Natsuo said holding his little brothers hand. Shoto gave a small nod. "Okay I'm going to peel the tape off...3...2..."

To say the process was a little uncomfortable was an understatement, it just straight up felt weird and it kinda hurt. He did flinch a bit no matter how hard he tried not to, and he felt bad for his brothers hands as he squeezed harder than he thought he would. It felt like a snake was trying to make it's was out of his nose, it smelled and tasted so bad.

When he realized it was done, he gripped the bag the doctor gave to him with two hands and threw up into in. Natsuo moved his hair from out of his face and Aizawa tried to sooth him by rubbing circles on his back. "It's okay kid just let it out, this is normal."

When he was done the doctor gave him a tissue that he blew his nose into and a nurse wiped his mouth and gave him some water. Shoto spotted the tube sitting on a tray. "That...that was" Shoto asked in shock, voice still hoarse. "Yes it was, we can take it away so you don't have to look at it anymore, do you need a few minutes or did you want to try eating something."

"I think I need a few minutes"

"no problem buddy we'll be back in about 5-10 minutes"

The doctor and nurses left with the tube, and Shoto let out a breath he didn't know he was even holding. His nose still felt itchy but he was glad that thing was gone.

"Hey sho, you okay?" Natsuo said looking at his brother with concern written all over his face.

"That was so gross" Shoto said making a face.

Both Aizawa and Natsuo laughed, "I bet kid, good thing is if you can hold down your dinner tonight, you'll be able to eat the cake your classmates made for you." Aizawa said with a smile.
After about 5 minutes Shoto felt good enough to eat again so they called the doctor in and he took his first bite of real food. They all waited anxiously to see what Shotos body would do. Thankfully his body took the food and he continued to eat the rest of the small portion provided to him.
"Shoto! today's the day!" Fuyumi said rushing into Shotos room with a bag picking up and packing some things. Last night Shoto was able to hold down his food with no issues.

The doctors went ahead and cleared him to go back to the dorms. However, he needed to stay in the teacher dorms as he needed proper supervision and he was to not participate in any heroics classes for another 2 months. Shoto also still needed to come back to the hospital twice every week for physio.

None of that mattered though he was just happy to be getting out of this place and so was everyone else waiting for him back at the UA dorms.

Natsuo wheeled in Shoto's wheel chair making a car drifting and break sound as he parked it by Shoto's bedside. Fuyumi shook her head "Natsu you're such a child." Rei came out of the bathroom in the room with the rest of Shoto's stuff, grabbing his crutches. "You're teacher called saying he's here, waiting in the lobby are you ready sweety?"

Shoto nodded with a small smile, which made them all happy to see. He sat himself up on the edge of the bed and with a little help from Natsuo stood up and took a few steps to his wheelchair. "Natsu you parked the chair far away on purpose didn't you." Shoto asked rolling his eyes. "Just wanted to make sure those legs were still working." Natsuo said winking with a grin.
When they got to the lobby Aizawa was waiting by the door car keys in his hand looking just as excited as his siblings. "You ready kid?"

Natsuo helped Aizawa get in the car folded up with wheelchair and placed it in his trunk, while Fuyumi and Rei placed Shotos stuff in the backseat and said goodbye.
The ride was quiet, Shoto liked that, he almost fell asleep until he realized they were already at UA. His classmates were all waiting outside excited for Shoto to come in and try some of their cake.

"Welcome home kid"

At that Shoto thought, maybe everything will be okay.


I had so much fun writing this I hope you all enjoyed reading it...if anyone wants to know what happened to Endevour he fled the country and was never seen again :)

I will most likely also post this on Ao3 as well as any other future works that I might do :)

Okay! I NEED to finish my chem before it's due in the next hour...❤️

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