Chapter 2 Hospital

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Fuyumi POV

Today was a good day. Her kids were on their best behaviour and she planned on seeing Natsuo later so they can visit mom.

However, this good day was short lived.

As she was getting in her car to go home that's when she got the call...

"Hi is this Fuyumi Todoroki, Shoto Todoroki's sister?"

"um yes, who is this?"

"Sorry I'm Shotos homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa. There's been an incident at school today are you okay to talk right now?"

"I'm just about to head home but if it's about my brother of course I can talk, what happened!"

"There was an accident regarding your brother during training, I'm at the hospital right now he's in surgery...miss Todoroki?"

She couldn't believe what she was hearing, her baby brother, hurt, in surgery. Maybe I should respond to his teacher. I need Natsu, I want mom.

"Um, ya, I um I'm on my way just, I need to get my other brother. Does our dad know?"

"We didn't have him listed as an emergency contact just you"

Fuyumi laughed to herself sounds like something Shoto would do.

"I'll deal with that, thank you I'll be there as soon as I can"
She picked up Natsu called and her parents and was on her way to the hospital. To say she was scared was a huge understatement. Fuyumi was freaking out she could tell Natsu was as well but tried to keep it together for her sake.

When endeavour heard what happened he was furious with the school, saying "they shouldn't have held a rescue mission in such an unstable building" and that "there's no way Shoto could've gotten hurt he was "too smart for that"' that comment really pissed her off.
When they arrived first thing they noticed was Aizawa sitting in the waiting room looking more tired than usual.

He was filling out some forms (probably an incident report) and anxiously waiting for any updates.

Fuyumi walked over and lightly tapped him on the shoulder.
"Anything yet?"
"No, but he's been in there for almost 2 hours" Aizawa said with a sigh
"Natsu stop we're in a hospital" Fuyumi said lightly slapping her brother on the shoulder.
"Sorry I'm just so worried"
"Kid we all are"
A little while later Endeavour arrived and to their surprise their mom was also with them.
"mom!" Both Natsu and Fuyumi called
"My baby boy is in the hospital I needed to be here the nurses understood, so long as I maintain some distance from a certain someone" their mom explained.

She looks so tired it's like Touya all over again. No this is different. This time their brother will pull through. Everything will be okay. Right?
3rd Person POV

"Family of Shoto Todoroki?"

It's been 6 hours. Six incredibly long hours. When they heard their brother's name come out of the mouth of the doctor, they never ran so fast to where he was standing making their presence known.

"yes! How is he? Where's my brother? Lord please tell me he's safe?"
"Calm down, maybe you all should sit"

Oh no that's never a good sign it's just like Tou-

"For the time being your brother is stable, he's in the ICU, we had a few close calls on the operating table. The road to recovery is going to be rough. We have him in a medically induced coma so his body is able to heal."

Oh god no no this can't be like Tou-

"Right now it's not looking good though. He has sufficient damage to his abdomen due to the metal rod. We had to......remove his stomach."

Their faces dropped immediately. Fuyumi couldn't keep it in anymore she was a crying mess. Natsu and her mom were doing the best to calm her down. And Endeavour well...he just looked pissed off.

"We also suspect that he could be partially paralyzed from the waist down due to a fallen rock that broke his lower back. We're not sure how bad it could be until he wakes up."

"So...what does this mean then? how can we help? what's the recovery going to be like? How will he eat?" Rei todoroki asked looking distraught.

"Right now we have him on a ventilator, he will also have a NG tube for quite some time until we can slowly introduce him to some sort of solid foods in the future, that's a long ways from now however. He'll need to attend physiotherapy for a while to re learn to walk again. I would say right now his hero days are behind him."

That was it, that one sentence filled the room with a familiar angry warmth from none other than Endeavour. He was way more than pissed off now. He got up and left leaving a trail of smoke behind.

Rei expected nothing more from him. After all his sole purpose in having her birth him was so he could be the number one hero and surpass all might. However those hopes and dreams seem so far away now. She didn't care though she just wanted to see her baby boy...she heard what the doctor said now she needs to know for herself that she's safe.

"Can we see him?" Fuyumi asked thinking the same thing as her mother.

"Of course however we ask that you're quite and try to keep it together for Shotos sake... I'm warning you right now he doesn't look like himself."
So they left to go see their little brother and youngest son. Aizawa stayed behind. He was obviously worried for the kid after hearing what he just heard but he understands the boundaries of the family.
"This way room 203."
They also hesitated to go in. Natsu was the first to open the door, and a single tear slid down his face.

"Oh darling" Rei said setting eyes on her son. It didn't even look like him. You can hardly make him out with how pale he was. Not to mention the amount of tubes and needles sticking out of his body.

Shoto Todoroki was as pale as the white sheets below him, he had an IV drip in his arm as well as a blood transfusion drip. There was a tube in his mouth controlling the rising and falling of his chest with a loud noise. The beep beep beep of the heart rate monitor, and a NG feeding tube coming out of his nose taped to his cheek attached to a stand with a bag of milky white substance feeding him.

They never thought they would see their brother and son this way. It's crazy how his whole life has been changed because of a silly rescue training.

Rei walked over carefully, grabbing his had as if the slightest touch would kill him.

"Shoto, sweety, you're going to be okay, we're all here for you darling. Fuyumi, Natsu and I we're not going anywhere. You're going to be just fine."

Seeing his mother like this was heartbreaking. Mom can't do this again it's too much.
They stayed the rest of the night with him until the doctor said they needed to leave for the night. At first they were reluctant but the doctor said they can come back as soon as visiting hours started again.

And so they did. They visited everyday that Shoto was in a coma in the ICU. They even allowed Aizawa to see him a few times. Aizawa kept class 1A updated but had to keep on telling them they couldn't visit.

He kind of sugar coated what actually happened to Todoroki and didn't want his class to see their friend in such a state.  He would hate for them to have to go through what he went through when he was also their age.

Once Todoroki looks more like himself maybe he'll let his problem children see him.

End Note:
WOW two chapters in one day! I'm procrastinating my work...anyways you're welcome to whoever's reading this (probably no one) and sorry if I caused you to cry.
Next time: Shoto Todoroki wakes up :0
I have so many ideas for this it might become a multichap depending on my uni schedule :)
Love to whoever's here ❤️ 

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