Lilia falls in love?

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Next day Zizo woke up really early not to wake up the young lady... pack up his things and when he was about to leave...

Lilia comes :Your gonna leave i see * with a sad look on her face

Zizo:  Please dont make that sad face Lilia-san...girls look more beautiful with a smile. And now Lilia-san i gotta go if you let me...

Lilia: *hugs him* please dont go..stay with me...

Zizo: *pats her smooth hair*...i cant and you know a devil hunter,my job to kill demons 

Lilia: then please let me go with you 

Zizo: no i cant take a lady with me it is to dangerous... 

Lilia: *stops hugging him* i can fight to dont worry,not only im a healer but i have magic to..please i want to be by your side

Zizo: ok if you insist that much but i wont garante your safetyness. 

Lilia: i know


Zizo:*low voice* You know him Lilia-san? 

Lilia:yes...he is my brother...why is he here

Zizo: hmmm i see then lets meet him 

Lilia:*hugs zizo again* nooo please...he just want to take me home..and i dont wanna get home...i hate it that is why i left...

Zizo opened the door and saw a tall blonde boy...must be Lilia-san brother. 

Lilia: Rezal....

Rez: sister please come with me back home..father is very upset

 Lilia: he can be upset but i dont care..i wont go back tired of zizo i didnt told you..

Rez: why wont you come back?

Lilia: im tired of being an angel..i wanna be a normal girl,have a normal life,fall in love,go out with friends...i want a life like that.

Zizo: hmmm good wish

Lilia: Rezal brother say to father that i wont go back home...he can send whatever he wants to bring me home but i wont give up, i wont lose...because i now have a person that i love...Zizo i love you..i know you dont love me..but i will make you fall in love with me...i just wanted to say it..i will wait for your answer...but for now lets find those demons and kill them...kill demons is also a job as me,an angel.

Rez: okay sister if that is what you want..i wont stop you..and if dad does something i will protect are my lil sister after all.

Lilia: thank you rezal *smiling*

Rez: then i will go...cya later sister. *disappears*

Lilia: lets go zizo...we have demons to kill right *smiling*

Zizo: hmm yeah.

So like that Zizo and his new companion,Lilia departure to kill the devil lord...

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