Meeting with medium

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Nanami: Uhhhh where is this daam ruins??? *yells* Jesus cmon Leonard could at least tell me the location *upset* he just said: go north and you will find a city with his all cool side...hhaaaaaa so unfair!!!!!!!!

While i walked a...medium called my name...

Nanami...nanami  she said.

Nanami: Whhaaaat how do you know my name?

I am a medium.

Nanami: Makes sense i guess

Nanami you are looking for ruins right...go north my dear

Nanami: H-how? oh medium right...

Yes and you were just yelling now

Nanami: Oh oh yeah haha *sees tarod cards* a-are they tarod cards? the ones you can preview the romantic life between couple???

Yes my dear you want to try...i sense you like someone but dont know who you truly like...i can help you my dear

Nanami: ? ......maybe but i just think its as friends...not...

Nanami you are indecise are scared he wont love you back...

Nanami: No its not i dont love him.. uhh ups no..i dont love no one...

Yes you do i can sense in your heart...its a boy called Tomoe right?

Nanami: Noo noooo no no nooo your wrong i..i dont love him..b-besides he likes other girl...

So you do like him right? Nanami be honest

Nanami: ok...y-yh m-maybe.. *blushes*

And now...the cards tell me that...oh my Nanami...well yes you to compatible but the boy...a tragedy...not careful my dear something will happen  and when that happens you have to be with his hear me

Nanami: ....well thank you medium..what is your name?


Nanami: mmm then Kikyo you actually pretty good at this...isnt it boring being there alone..why dont ya come with me and travel the world? *smiles*

Kikyo: I dont know..i always wanted to but..well

Nanami: Come with me Kikyo and you can help me look for the ruins

Kikyo: Then yes i guess i will accept your offer

Nanami: Then its decided Kikyooo goo

Kikyo: North

Nanami: uhhh that i already know oh cmon kikyo cant u tell more detail

Kikyo: no

Nanami: Wwwhhhyyyy

Kikyo: because i dont know where it is

Nanami: Buuut your a medium

Kikyo: the ruins inside a barrier so i cant localizate propely where they are

Nanami: Ohh makes sense

Kikyo: nanami i can help you with tomoe *giggles*

Nanami: like i said uhhh i dont like himmmmm

 Kikyo: hahahaha nanami mad nanami mad *giggles and runs away*

Nanami: comeee back heereeeee kikyoooo *goes after her*

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