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Before starting, remember that if you see spelling errors, let me know so I can correct them. Since I haven't found any translator that doesn't charge me per month (something that would be useless to me if I only use it for this) and that is reliable (I mean, it doesn't give me the feeling that I'm letting in a virus).

Without further ado, I won't stop you anymore and enjoy.

MAY 27, 1940.

"INCOMING!" Someone shouted in the distance before an explosion was heard, shaking the building.

Dust and pieces of the ceiling fell on Ruby, who launched herself at a wounded soldier to prevent the debris from hitting him. Once the rain of debris stopped he stood up again and placed his hands on his patient's chest.

"Come on Mike, hold on, help is coming" Ruby pleaded, looking at the young man while trying to stop the bleeding.

But at that moment he realized something.

Mike had stopped breathing.

"No no No, Mike, don't do this to me" He begged with tears appearing in his eyes "Come on Mike, please".

Ruby shook him a little, looking for a reaction, but nothing.

She then looked into her friend's eyes.

A dull, gray look greeted her.

Mike was dead.

The shot had hit his heart and left lung.

"No No No No" The rose repeated again and again, slowly retreating to a wall in the room.

She looked at her hands, stained with her friend's blood.

'I couldn't save him'

'I couldn't save him'

'I couldn't save him'

Unbeknownst to Ruby, his eyes had begun to glow slightly in the darkness.

Ruby's eyes snapped open.

She was hyperventilating.

She closed her eyes tightly and wiped away her tears. 'It was just a dream'.

He placed his hand over his heart.

This one seemed ready to explode. Ruby closed her eyes.

'Remember, inhale exhale'.

'Inhale Exhale'

'Inhale Exhale'

His heart began to slow down, slowly calming down.

Once he calmed down he let out a sigh and looked around realizing that the room was still dark.

He looked for his scroll next to him and looked at the time.

5:43 HS

17 minutes before 6 AM, I was getting better.

Ruby rubbed her eyes and sat on the edge of the bed. When she looked up she saw how the sun began to peek over the trees of the emerald forest and the birds began to sing for the new dawn.

'Well, let's start the day' She thought, stretching her arms listening to the sound of her joints 'The first thing is to find out what I have here' She said to herself, looking at the apartment.

Then he looked at the small table next to him and opened the drawer.

'Nothing... I hope everything is not empty'

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