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Hello people, I have finally decided.

I decided to continue with the story as we are going now, but I will take as much time as necessary for the chapters. More so now that I started university.

If it needs to take 3 months to finish because of the exams, so be it. I am not going to force myself to write to maintain a certain consistency and I will take as much time as necessary.

Without more to say, I leave you with a fragment of the chapter that follows so as not to leave you empty-handed and without more to say, have a good day, afternoon or night.


11:30 AM

"Here you go young lady, have a good day" An older woman said as she handed her two trays of the day's lunch, one tray had a plastic lid with the second on top of the first.

Pyrrha nodded with a smile and took both trays. "Thank you very much." She thanked them, walking away from the line, listening behind them as they attended to another student.

In front of her was her team waiting for her, all with an extra tray. When they saw her arrive, they stopped what they were doing and began walking through the corridors of Beacon towards team RWBY's room.

"Is it just me or does the atmosphere feel much lighter than usual?" Jaune asked looking out the windows at the morning sun.

Nora, jumping small, looked at her leader with a smile. "It's obvious that it's because -" She can't finish when Ren covers her mouth with his hand.

"Nora remembers that they ordered us not to talk openly about THAT topic," she admonished, removing her hand and sighing when her childhood friend puffed out her cheeks.

"Come on, Ren, it's not like there's anyone here," he said with a smile.

Then look around.

This caused her companions to look at her with amusement and exasperation at the self-proclaimed queen of the castle.

"Putting that aside" Pyrrha looked at Jaune "Nora is right, the return of our guest brought an atmosphere of tranquility for all of us" She explained "It took away the weight of not knowing where she was and the uncertainty of her condition, as well as the Seeing her safe and sound helped a lot."

Jaune upon hearing the last doubt appeared on his face "Yes..." He answered dully causing his friends to look at him worried.

"Jaune?" The invincible girl asked worriedly.

He shook his head and a sad smile appeared on his features. "I'm sorry, it's just that... we all saw that she's not the same as before and I'm worried about what will happen in the future." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

Understanding what he meant, Ren commented, "That's normal, that he went from being 15 to 30 years old is undoubtedly shocking but not something that would incapacitate him from leading a normal life, something hectic when this becomes public, but normal at the end of the day." ".

"If you're right about that, it's just that..." Jaune continued. "Do you remember how he reacted when his father, ehh Tai if I'm not mistaken, asked him what his life was like in the other world?"

Nora squinted her eyes trying to remember until a light bulb appeared in her head "Oh you mean when she stayed silent looking at her photo album" She replied

Meanwhile Ren, surreptitiously, took the light bulb and left it on his tray in a place away from the food. Without wondering, like Jaune and Pyrrha, how her friend manifested it in the first place.

Just another day at Beacon, with Nora as a teammate.

Sanity was overrated.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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