9. Trapped

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"Whoops." Chow nonchalantly said, as he knocked a large lamp. "Jesus. Be careful, Chow." Phil sternly warned, while Alan laughed and Chow pushed over a knight statue, while I flinched at the loud noise it made.

"Fuck this guy. Living in my house. Living my life." Chow seethed.
"Can we just stick to the plan?" Stu pleaded, as Chow picked up a fancy axe from the statue. "Fine." Chow agreed, staring at a portrait, before throwing the axe onto it, laughing, as my eyes widened at the sight on the swinging weapon.

"Ha ha. Ruined." Chow took a swig of his beer, as he chuckled and walked away, while Stu turned to Phil, Alan and I. "He is completely outta control." Stu stated. "No shit." I mumbled.

"Let's just get this done." Phil told us, as we followed Chow to a door, that he opened, revealing a dark basement. Fuck no. I hate basements. I've seen too many horror movies where people go down and get locked in. It's one of my biggest fears.

Chow turned on a light, and I wrapped my arms around myself, as he walked down. "This way. Come on, come on." He instructed, and I reluctantly followed behind the rest.

We continued following Chow over to a large brick wall, as he turned on another light. "It's buried behind this wall. Alan." Chow held out his hand, as Alan handed him a large mallet. "Here you go, boss." Alan said, as Chow took the mallet from him.

Chow held back the mallet, glaring at the wall, while the four of us watched him pound the mallet against the brick wall, leaving absolutely no damage, while Chow screamed. "Fuck!" Chow exclaimed, quietly, while I pursed my lips not to laugh.

"You okay?" Phil asked, his hands on his hips. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just warming up." Chow told us, as he was hunched over, panting, before he turned his head to look at us. "It's so heavy. Do we have a lighter one?" Chow asked, as I shook my head.

"No, that's all we've got." I told him, as Chow sighed, and Phil looked from me to Chow. "Why don't you just let me do it, Chow?" Phil suggested, taking his satchel off. "Okay. Either way, you or me. Same thing." Chow accepted, putting the mallet down and stepping out of the way, while Phil picked it up and walked towards the brick wall.

He lightly swung the mallet to where he wanted to aim, before pulling it back behind him and swinging it with more force, hitting the wall.

I couldn't really focus on anything apart from how hot he looked right now. Grunting and hitting the wall with the mallet. I was chewing my thumbnail, trying to contain a smirk as I watched him intently.

"You might wanna take your shirt off. Makes it easier." Chow advised. I fucking love you, Chow.
"What?" Phil asked, looking over at him, with his brows furrowed.

"I've heard that, too." Alan agreed, and I nodded my head an hummed in agreement.
"Yeah, me too. It makes it real easier." I nodded along, with a playful, suggestive grin on my face, while Phil just looked over, with a slight glare in his expression, unamused, prompting me to frown. Surely he wasn't that upset... We were getting married anyways.. And we'd find a way to afford to have this baby... I'm actually surprised how mad he is.

As Phil ignored us, he turned back to the wall, his shirt still on, as he swung the mallet back and hit it against the wall over and over, first creating a small hole, only expanding it, with every hit he swung to the wall, grunting.

The four of us watched Phil swing the mallet against the wall, until he stopped, putting the mallet down, with his hand on his hip, as he panted and the gold was revealed before our eyes.

Chow walked closer to the wall, slightly bending his knees to look at it closer. "See that? Chow come back for you." Chow grinned at the sight of the gold.


We started throwing the gold to one another up the stairs. Well they did. I tried to help, but Phil wouldn't let me, anytime I'd reach for a bit of gold, he would shake his head and put my hand down, then lecture me about how it was too heavy.

Phil threw the gold to Stu, who threw the gold to Alan, who threw the gold to Chow, who was at the top of the stairs.
"Come on, just let me help. One bar. I feel useless standing here doing nothing." I pleaded with Phil.

"No. It's too heavy. You'll hurt yourself or strain your back or something." Phil sternly told me, and I rolled my eyes. "It's not that heavy!" I protested, reaching for a bar of gold, as my hand was smacked away. "Hey!" I frowned. "It is that heavy. Just stay there, for now." Phil corrected, and I let out a huff, crossing my arms, making Phil roll his eyes and lean over to whisper to me.

"Just because you're carrying a baby, doesn't mean you need to act like one." Phil teased in my ear, although his tone was fully serious, as I became angrier.

"You guys mind having this conversation a bit later? We're wasting time." Stu interrupted us, just before I could snap at Phil. "He's right. We'll discuss this later." Phil murmured to me, picking up another gold bar and throwing it to Stu.

"We'll discuss this later." I quietly mocked him, my arms crossed, as I leaned my back against the walls and looked down.

"That's the last of it." Phil called over to inform Chow.
"You sure?" Chow asked, as Alan sat down on the stair.
"Yeah." Phil assured, clasping his hands and rubbing the dust off them.

"You triple sure?" Chow questioned, as Phil and I walked over to stand at the bottom of the stairs.
"Yes!" Phil held his hands out, frustration in his voice.

"Good!" Chow laughed, before slamming the door shut, as anxiety began to cloud my mind. Oh, fuck.. please don't let this be happening..

Stu looked over to Phil and I, before back at the door. "Chow?" Stu called out, as I chewed my thumbnail and shook my head, Phil noticing and swallowing a lump in his throat, as he looked over at me with empathy in his eyes, as Stu ran up the stairs, to try the door.

"CHOW?!" Stu screamed, banging on the door, his panic causing me to panic more, as I placed my face in my hands, breathing heavily, as Phil wrapped his arms around my, his hand running through my hair as he shushed me.

"It's okay. You're gonna be fine.." He promised me in a hushed tone, as I buried my face in his chest. I wasn't crying, but I felt like I couldn't breathe. The air was trapped in my lungs and I was struggling to catch my breath.

"CHOW!!" Stu continued screaming and pounding on the door, as Phil comforted me, sighing.
"What the fuck are we gonna do, Phil? How are we gonna get out!?" I was starting to go into a full blown panic, as I looked up to him.

He shook his head, sighing. "I don't know. But we'll get out." He assured, before running up the stairs, moving Stu out of the way, who was just as frightened and panicked as I was.

"CHOW, OPEN THIS FUCKIN' DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Phil harshly banged on the door and yelled, while I tried to control my breathing, as Phil continued yelling, before the alarm started blaring, making my eyes widen, as the four of us exchanged glances.

Phil turned to Stu and I, while Alan covered his ears with his hands. "Fuck.." I mumbled, as the alarms continued ringing.

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