Nighttime on Callisto

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There was nothing but the dark, sinceshe was currently in Jupiter's shadow. A welcomed feeling of coolwashed over her as the few particles of carbon dioxide stoppeditching at her already heavily cratered surface. There was nothingthat could stop her now from finally combing her wig again.

As she rather clumsily removed the lacefront, a small part of her wished that Venus, or better, Mars wouldbe there to give her the tips again, since this kind of wig was new.But she stopped herself. She would soon be back in front of the Sun,and then everyone would see her unprepared. They'd make fun of her,especially Europa. She always did.

Her natural hair was some of the dustthat accumulated in her craters, sorted in invisible spirals thatlightly tangle themselves in an afro-like texture. Not many saw herlike this, since... since... She stopped taking her thoughtsseriously, her nightmares can handle whatever thoughts hersubconscious wanted to tell.


And there was one who knew and didn'tmake fun of it, and that was Io, whispering out to her. Of course shewould get disturbed by the one guy she was indirectly assigned totake care of. Sighing, she tried waving Io off but he wouldn't budge,flowing right to her.

„Ugh, Io... can you please not? Justfor one single night? You should be asleep."

She hissed those words.Theblonde-haired moon tried to hold his coughs in, but had to let themout, albeit in a more quiet manner than usual. At least he knew heshouldn't wake the smaller moons, or stars forbid, Europa.

He just frowned a little at the bigger,visibly pissed off moon before becoming more timid, but still eagerto talk to her.

„I just want to say one tiny littlething."

„Io, your orbit is way closer thanmine! You'll have to wake in no time! You..."

His eyes were those of one of thesmaller moons. She knew she should at least hear him out, and if thatwas to tire him out and make him finally sleep. She sighed again,rolling her eyes before grabbing her wig and starting to pull out afine-haired comb.


He already was used to her ratherdismissive additude and gratefully continued doing his talking point.

„Why do you wear fake hair? Yourhair's pretty as it is!"

Something in her core felt a littlewarm at the thought that someone didn't only not comment on it, butactually liked it. However, being the feeling-reserved moon she was,she forced this moment down her core, answering neutrally.

„I can't just go to Venus every timemy hair retains it's natural structure again, because... you know whywe can't just go that far into the inner solar system."

He just looked at her questioningly,not knowing in the slightest what a silk press was. The informal partwas over, now to the emotional part... she swallowed a bit andgritted her teeth before pushing through.

„Long, straight hair is kindaimportant to me. And you know how I keep changing my hair stylesrather often?"

Io nodded and coughed, again, asquietly as he could.

She flew to a big box that Io hadalready seen at least a thousand times, but then she started foldingit in a weird manner that revealed a large pocket in that oversizedbox. Pulling out three different wigs, each more shiny and elegantthan the last, Io seemed like she opened a portal to another solarsystem. They were soon orbiting her in a close rate.

„That's why. Now please leave me be,I want to be by myself."

Instead of leaving, Io seemedmesmerized by the wigs in front of him. One was wavy, possibly aslong as her stomach, the second was box braided and arranged in a waythat reminded him of Europa a little, and the last one was the oneshe held in her hands, a simple straight-haired wig that went up toher knee, complete with straight-cut bangs that would've covered moreof her expressions.

„Could I have a wig too?"

He realized that he was a little tooloud, fortunatley no one was awake. He continued whispering, but insuch an excited way that he almost seemed hyperactive.

„I mean, they look really cool! I'dlike to have one too!"

She'd love to tell him to go get onehimself, but she knew that Io was the moon Jupiter had an eye on themost, since he was the closest of all, meaning he also was closest tohis roche limit. She kept quiet, as she always did when it got in theway of other moons, especially Io. Other than the smaller moons, Iowas the most innocent in all of this.

„Well, if you want to, I can contactVenus and the both of you can discuss how you'd like to have it inthe next sun trophy competition or when Venus is facing away from theother inner planets."

„V-vvenus of all planets!? coughcough"

She knew Io didn't know, and that was agood thing, since it was supposed to be a secret between them thatthey even knew each other, let alone that he basically became herhair dresser. He would blow up on her so much she wouldn't hear theend of it.

„Yes, and I swear to the nextsupernova, do not tell anyone about my wigs OR Venus, okay?"

She felt relieved, only to see Ioshocked at the unexpected aggression she spat out. She had gone toofar with showing any feelings, with anyone, ever. Just as she wantedto tell Io off again, he said something that h

„Well, my hair's made out ofvolcanoes! It's nothing to be ashamed about, so youyouyou shouldn'tbe ashamed too *cough cough*! I mean, you can do anything with yourhair! A house, a ball, maybe even a space ship!"

As appreciative as his comment was, sheknew that he couldn't truly be capable of knowing how much emotionalvalue her hair had. Not unless she would tell him, which would never,under any circumstances happen.

She noticed that he was eyeing thebraided wig in front of her, looking like he imagined a whole wonderworld with them. She couldn't help but laugh at the thought of havinga spaceship-shaped hairdo, maybe it would even scare some moons off!

„Hahahaha! Well, Io, thanks forinterrupting my brooding." Amused, this smaller, weird yellow moonmay have been the closest thing to a brother she had. He had left herorbit there after, she neatly packed her wigs onto the hidden foldagain and hoped for the best that Io was understanding enough to notget her in trouble by telling everyone, especially not Europa.

She resumed to combing her worn wig,all the while gazing at the outer solar system, to a certainneptunian moon.

Callisto, moon of wigsWhere stories live. Discover now