K-Pop and Reggaeton

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"We have to get back down there.. There's still hope. We can still fix this." PJ exclaimed as he tried to push the bubble back to Vibe City, but it wouldn't move. 

"PJ, enough. I've listened to you and I've done it your way, and now it's your turn to listen. It's time to get back home." Branch said. 

"I'm not like you...I can't just give up." PJ stated.  

"Give up? We want to protect our friends and family." I stated. 

"I can't go home until I've proven myself as a good king." PJ stated. 

"So that's what this is really all about?" I asked, getting upset. 

"Why are you so upset?" PJ asked me. 

"Because your dad was right and Biggie was right and Queen Essence was right and Branch was right. And I've been backing you up even when you ignore them. But you never listen to me." I stated. 

"Y/n, sweetie, what are you talking about?" PJ asked. 

"You want to be a good king? Good kings actually listen. You know what I heard back there? Differences do matter. Like-like you and me. We're too different to get along, let alone be together. Just like all the other Trolls."

We landed on the ground and the bubble popped. 

"We are really different." PJ stated. 

"So different." I stated. 

"Completely out of harmony." PJ stated. 

"Completely." I stated. 

"I don't even know why we got together in the first place." PJ stated. 

"Neither do I." I stated, turning to walk away but I stopped myself.  

"So... why do I care about you more than anybody else in the world? Weird, right? No offense, big bro." I stated, walking off. 

Y/n, Y/n and PJ

I know your favorite song

I hear it every day 

Whoever made your smile 

Made it to get in my way 

And every time you laugh 

You make that little sound 

It's just the hardest thing 

To love you but not know how

I hate that you're perfect 

You're perfect for me 

What good are words 

When they always just get in our way? 

And it hurts the most 

Just to know that you don't feel the same 

The same 


And I hate that you're perfect

You're perfect for me 

Yeah, yeah, yeah 

I hate that you're perfect 

Trolls World Tour: Male Poppy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now