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"Live a long life?"

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"Live a long life?"

"doesn't mean much when you go and die yourself," nobara sighed as her and megumi sat down on some of the stone steps leading to their classroom

"is it your first time having a partner die?" the girl asked her other classmate who wore the same glum expression as her

"First time for one my age" Megumi answered

"You seem to be taking it well considering," Nobara muttered

"Kugisaki, how are you taking it?" Megumi asked turning to the girl, her mournful expression telling him everything he needed to know

"Of course. I only knew him for two weeks, I'm not the kind of girl who breaks down balling when a guy i barely know dies" she said but megumi could see her lips quivering

"What's this? You're looking more glum than usual, Megumi" Maki said, placing her hands on her hips

"Zenin," Megumi said

"Don't call me by my last name!" the girl retorted as someone whispers for her making her turn around

"Maki! Maki!" Panda said

"I'm talking here!" maki snapped

"You actually don't know why they're down??" Panda whispered as Toge stood by him

"What do you mean?" she said plainly

"Someone really did die yesterday! One of the first year boys!" The panda said "Bonito flakes" The other boy said leaving Maki with a mortified expression

"You should've told me sooner! Now I look like some heartless demon!" she cried

"That's exactly how you came off." the panda said

"Tuna mayo," the other boy said

"You're supposed to try and make me feel better!" maki wailed as the first years stared at her, their attention being directing to the large building opposite

"There you guys are!" A girl with long burt orange hair yelled as she waved a hand

"Himari where have you been?" Panda yelled

"And you're with megumi!" The girl gasped, jumping out of the window and sliding down one of the poles

"Himari you'll fall!" Megumi yelled as the red head ignored his statement

"Himari you'll fall!" Megumi yelled as the red head ignored his statement

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