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"Himari what are you so afraid of? Falling in love can't be that bad" Maki reasoned "and besides, it's yuta, the guys practically head over heels for you"

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"Himari what are you so afraid of? Falling in love can't be that bad" Maki reasoned "and besides, it's yuta, the guys practically head over heels for you"

"It's rika" Himari muttered, her best friend momentarily pausing

"Yutas had his first love, and he'll probably never fully let go of her" Himari articulated "you can tell by that ring, and I don't hate him for it, not one bit" She shook her head

"But anytime I think about it, I feel weird..I feel—"

"Jealous?" Maki finished her sentence for her, Himari slowly nodding

"It's embarrassing" She sighed "but I don't want to fall for a guy I know I can't fully have, I don't want to be someone's second choice"

"Oh Himari.." Maki frowned, she really did hate seeing Himari upset

"Didn't we promise not to get upset and bottle it up?" She smiled, both girls thinking back to their first interaction

"Hey, why are you crying?" An unfamiliar voice spoke causing a nine year old maki to look up

There stood a girl around her age with big bronze eyes and short fiery red hair

"Well that's a dumb question, im obviously hurt" Maki frowned

"Heyy I was trying to be nice!" The young girl said in an appalled tone "and I wanted to know how you got those?"

"Oh, sorry" Maki frowned, she had become more standoffish recently, mostly likely in response to her families constant mistreatment of her

"Oh, my cousin beat me up" She grumbled

"Were you playing?" Himari questioned, maki shaking her head which caused the red head to gasp

"Then he's a bully!" She frowned, pushing her wispy sleeves up to show her non existent muscles

"Let go find him!" She stated, her genuine anger towards a situation that didn't even concern her baffling maki

"Why'd we do that? He's like eighteen!" Maki reasoned, Himari pausing

She was crazy but she knew she couldn't fight a sorcerer double her age

"Okay just point him out to me" She nodded, taking a seat whilst maki gave her a hesitant look "please! Please pleaseeeee"

"Okay fine" Maki sighed pointing towards naoya "that's him"

A sly smirk appeared on Himari's face before a small orange barrier sent the overly confident naoya into a building, Himari bursting out in laughter while Maki stared at the scene dumbfounded

"Let's point and laugh so he knows we saw!" Himari grinned, doing just that in a successful attempt at bruising his ego

"Who are you?" Maki blinked, genuinely confused "are you a Gojo Kamo or Inuamki?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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