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While cooking dinner you assisted Tsumiki with her homework. About every few minutes you would stick your head out of the kitchen to see what Sukuna was doing. After you checked that he was still on the couch with his eyes closed, you continued cooking. You wondered if he was asleep. Or just so bored he'd rather sit with his eyes closed. What was he thinking about? Mass destruction? It was stressful. Not knowing what to do with him. Will he just follow you with his eyes closed until you die? Bored out of his mind waiting to be born again with someone more fit for him?

"I'm done! Can I go play now?" Tsumiki bounced up and down.

"Mhm..." you hummed nodding your head. The little girl was off with a girlish squeal, leaving you alone to mull over your thoughts. Was there a way to make him less bored? Were you no fun? The thought had you annoyed. Finishing the food you stepped out of the kitchen to call Tsumiki but noticed that Sukuna was missing. Where did he go? "Sukuna? Tsumiki?" you called their names walking quickly into the living room.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" you heard Sukuna shout.

You were gone, running up the steps in a hurried panic. "Are you okay?" you slid to the open door and found the two in Megumi's room. Their backs turned toward you as they played the game.

"You said a swear!" Tsumiki giggled.

"Oh?" you walked into the room noticing the game to be Grand Theft Auto. There was a look of pure concentration on Sukuna's face. He looked pissed. He was staring at his controller trying to figure out how to play. You had to stifle a chuckle as you watched Tsumiki teach him, but you were also shocked she knew how to play. "Um, you shouldn't be playing this game Tsumiki."

"I know it's for big kids... but I told him that bunny and he said he wanted to play this one."

"Okay, he's in big trouble now, go set the table. we'll be down in a minute.

"Oooo~" Tsumiki teased as she passed you and went downstairs.


"That bastard ran me over." Sukuna looked at you with such a serious glare you could only do so much to stop the laugh from bursting.

"ha-" you stopped the laugh and flicked your fingers to him. "Let me see." handing you the controller you sat down next to him. "Which one?"

"That bastard!" Sukuna pointed at a red car that came speeding your way. You dodged it just in time as 'John Cena' drove by. "Kill him!"

"Okay hold on-"

"Shoot him!"

"Okay I'm trying!" you laughed as Sukuna yelled and pointed at the screen. You got in an all-out brawl with the guy and ended up dying.


"Don't swear, Tsumiki should not be hearing those words!" you laughed elbowing him in the side. "Let's go, she's waiting for us."

A message popped up on the Xbox from 'John Cena': get rekt kid

"He taunts us. Tell him to meet me in person I'll rip-"

"Sukuna! Hush." You heard a creak in the hall, Tsumiki probably wondering what was taking so long. "We are coming-" Just as you looked you were surprised to see Megumi standing within the doorframe, bag slung over his shoulder. He wore his dark blue jogger set with white stripes on the sides. His expression as blank as ever."Oh- Hi, Megumi."

His eyes looked at you and then at Sukuna who sat next to you. Quickly you got off his bed and gestured to the vampire. "This is Sukuna, he's new to the area. He has no friends or family so I told him he could hang out with me, uh Sukuna this is Megumi." you don't know why you added in the extra bits that weren't needed because you have brought over friends before. As long as you were watching Tsumiki Toji didn't even care if you had a party. For some reason being seen in Megumi's room with Sukuna felt like you had been caught with your hand in the cookie jar.

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