Chapter 15

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I got up from the bed as the musk of the room seemed to strangle me and make it harder for me to breathe and hence think.I stepped out of the flat to walk into a creepy hallway with lights that were barely working.The barely lit hallway was narrow and every creak of the floorboards, every rustle of unseen movement, felt like a threat lurking just around the corner.

It was as if the very walls themselves held secrets, secrets that I feared would be revealed pull me into the walls leaving me to suffocate in the darkness.

This oppresive situation forced my mind to think about my situation and try to figure out why i've landed in this situation.

So, coming from the start.First when i went to his grave and broke down my pendant glowed and i travelled there after that when i felt the most happy i have ever felt in my entire life my pendant glowed and i came here.

So, one my pendant is the reason why im travelling to whatever these places are and two this has happened when i felt a particularly strong emotion but is it the momentary emotion or the slowly building up of the same emotion.

But, now i have 2 questions, One what was the time i travelled to before this was it the Past was it a different timeline and will it change my future and two where am i and what can this be called.

But,does any of this even matter.Would going about everything this way even make sense.Especially when I have been thrust into unfamiliar situations with no warning.Would going about all this in a plan even work?

What if I just go with the flow?What if for once i just do what i want to and see where this leads me.Do i deserve to be able to do this?I do not know but for now I'll just let time ripple through me and i will let myself blend in with the reality I am in now.

Just as I reached a conclusion, I left the apartment if it can even be called one.And just as soon as i felt my mind clear it was clouded with thoughts again. Where was this place and did people i know even exist here?.

Even without that I didnt even know what city this was or what country.I was lost but there was no way I would let any of this get to me.

I looked around for a while until i was able to find a bus stand which had a small map on it and i recognized it,I was still in my city.I was on cloud nine for once I actually had information and i was going to make good use of the same.

I first checked my pockets and found a phone I opened the map and check out where I was.I then realized I was very close to my sister's home.So,I walked picking up my pace hoping I would finally see a familiar face in this sad place.

I soon reached the house and geared up to ring the doorbell.I tried to make myself look as presentable and I could and pressed the doorbell as my heart thudded in my chest."Coming" I heard a familiar voice say and my heart almost leapt out of my heart.Thats when I met Jane's eyes.

But instead of the caring honey coloured eyes I was used to,I met iced over ones.

My sweet adorable sister was now looking at me with a gaze that lead a chill through my body.

"Why are you here?"She said,every world of hers dripping with cold icicles of hostility, sending a shiver down my spine.

"What do i you mean by that?" I say swallowing hard.

"You know what i mean.How could you ever dare to come back here after all that you did to me and him.The pain you put us through and all those things you said to him, to me. The audacity that you have to waltz back in here after 5 years acting as if you have done nothing wrong." 

The weight of her words crashed over me like a tidal wave, and it became painfully clear that I were not just an unexpected visitor here—I was a trespasser in a world fraught with unresolved emotions and grievances.

Her voice, once cold as ice, had now transformed into a searing torrent of anger and pain.

"You refusing the only opportunity you had to prove yourself broke him and it destroyed me. Your failure destroyed me. After you left, he did too. I had nowhere else to go so I was forced to go back to those people. They hyper focused on me, I lost everything I held dear. I was locked up in my room forced to study and do nothing else. I lost my life and my freedom they forced me to be what they wanted you to be. Do you know how I prayed for you to come and take me away?For you to come back and help me for you to take me away. But you never came, you never did" She said as her lower lip started to tremble.

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