Chapter 19

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We stand there for a while. Max cries for a long time, leaving blotches of dampness on my shirt. I pat him on his back trying you calm him down.

He finally looks at me and I'm reminded of the very first time we met.

His sympathetic kind eyes staring at me just like they did all those years ago making me feel like I am enough.

We both calm down and he takes me to his house. We have a little chat about how life has been, and he tells me about how he is living in the outskirts while pursuing art and that he was much happier here than in the corporate job he had before.

As the day unfolded, I found myself immersed in a conversation that felt vastly different from the one I had in the hospital. This time, the words flowed effortlessly, and the atmosphere was charged with a palpable sense of joy and hope for the future.

I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of happiness for him as he shared the details of his accomplishments and aspirations. His achievements had clearly brought him a sense of fulfilment , and his enthusiasm was infectious. It was as if I was witnessing the blossoming of a long-awaited dream.

The two of us talked on and on, our words a symphony of shared laughter and stories of shared experiences. It felt like a celebration of life, a reminder of the bonds that had brought us together, and the promise of a future filled with possibility.

The day passed in a blur, each moment etching itself into your memory as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of connection. It was a day that reaffirmed the importance of cherishing the present and looking forward to the future with hope and optimism.

We looked up at the stars and started pointing out the star belts and having a lot of fun.

As we lay on the floor, I looked towards him and met his eyes in a steady gaze. Soon after we burst into abrupt laughter and couldn't stop until a while after. I felt like a child with no responsibilities of pressures.

As we lay there, I am filled with an overwhelming need to ask Max a question that had been bugging me.

"Say hypothetically, if you were to die and I wasn't there when it happened and i got a chance to move through realities/timelines and meet different versions of you and spend time with you. Would you want me to live my life just meeting different versions of you?"I ask without a particular reason, is it to make a decision or to justify a decision I've already taken.

"Well, what would you want to do, Anna" he says with a pondering look on his face.

"Well, I don't really know but I would want to live meeting different versions of you I guess" I say with uncertainty.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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