ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2|𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤|

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"Armani ?" I ask and she turns around,a big smile forming on her face. She ran towards me ( even though we were like 100cm apart)and I picked her up for some reason as we hugged after what felt like forever.

"I've missed you so much "I say as I put her down.
"I've missed you too, don't tell him ... But I was getting alittle bored with Jobe. "
I laugh alittle then ask her a really good question,"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
"Because it was supposed to be a surprise but you just had to learn how to drive so you could come get your mum even though she told you not to and ruin my surprise "she rambles
"Okay I'm terribly sorry ma'am"I apologize
"You should be" she says and I laugh

"Okay can we continue this reunion in the car, it's getting late"my mum says "You can go with Armani , Jude. I'll go home and get her room ready. You two should go to that cute cafe and catch up, I should be down when you come back "she adds
"Okay" me and Armani say in unison

We walk over to Armani's car
"Can you drive , since I don't know my way around yet?" She asks "Only cause I don't wanna get lost " I reply
She just rolls her eyes and gets into the passenger seat. After a few minutes of silence , I decided to break it
"So how long are you staying?"
"Umm" she hesitates
"What?" I ask
"Well... I got a job here " she states less excited then I expected her to be
" That's great,but why don't you seem happy?" I ask with a worried look
"It's not that I'm not happy, I'm over the moon but it's ... Nevermind, it doesn't matter "she ends sounding kinda defeated.
"It does matter NiNi"
She smiled alittle at her nickname, "I just don't really wanna talk about it, please"she says softly
"Okay I understand " I say


ᴀʀᴍᴀɴɪ's ᴘᴏᴠ

We arrived at the cafe. I didn't want to get into the topic of my I left Germany, I had lived there since Jude had moved to Dortmund, I was his support system even though Denise was there. But I just had to leave , not because Jude wasn't there but because of something, someone rather. Someone that just sent a shiver down my back everytime I thought about them. But I'm just not ready to tell anyone about it.

"What would you like?" The waitress asked Jude making me snap out of my thoughts
" I'll have a cappuccino,please" Jude answered
"And what about you ma'am?"she asked politely
" I'll have the same , thank you "I replied with a smile
" No problem, your order will be ready soon " she said with a smile and then walked away

"So how has Madrid been treating you?" I ask Jude to break the silence
"It's been amazing, I've seen so many beautiful places and I've met so many people and made so many friends " he says happily
"That's great but I hope you haven't replaced me?"I ask him
"Of course not, no one could replace someone so dumb in my heart "he says
"Well thank you, and by the way atleast I didn't think Mexican was a language!" I state
"That was so long ago, how do you even remember that"he asks
"First,I'm your best friend, I don't forget shit about and second, how could anyone forget that, it was fucking hilarious"I state to annoy him.
"Shut up!"he says annoyed
I just laugh
The waiter comes with our drinks we thanked her and continued our conversation.
"So how are things between you and Luke ?"he asks
That's the topic that sends shivers down my back, after a second I answer"Umm...we broke up, it just wasn't working, we were better of as friends." I said obviously lying
"Sorry, I didn't know other..."
"It's fine J " I cut him off trying to avoid the conversation.
We talk for alittle longer then we pay the bill which Jude insisted on paying even though I told him I'd hit him if he did and if course I did hit him cause I couldn't miss that opportunity 🙂and then we leave.

Hii guys
I just wanted to say if you have any suggestions to help me improve please feel free to comment as long as it's constrictive criticism not hate
It's my first book so your help would be amazing and please vote. Thank you ❤️✨

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