The surprise

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As soon as Shuqi came back, Soojin was hiding in Shu's room. She heard someone unlocking the door.

"We're back!" Shuqi said in amazement. "The decorations are pretty! But for what?"

"It's just a small party to celebrate for our disbandment, haha." The others replied.

As Shuqi walked into the kitchen, putting down the food they have just bought, Shuhua noticed something very familiar.

"SEAWEED SOUP?" she asked. "Ah, yes, we ordered it as a takeaway from a restaurant.

Shuhua sneaked to take a sip of the soup, and it reminded her of Soojin. "This is the flavour that i've never had in any other seaweed soup ever since she left."

she shook her head, thinking that it's impossible for soojin to be here, and walked back to the living room.

They all sat down, preparing for dinner.

While they were eating, Shuhua felt arms around her waist.

-- the reunion -- [I-DLE] (sooshu)Where stories live. Discover now