Chapter 10 - Can't stop the inevitable!

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Loki walked into the kitchen to Jamie pacing in front of the sink.
"You okay? How's your hand? Captain has a hard head"
Jamie stopped and looked up at Loki confused, then laughed some.
"What? Haha hand is are you?  Those asshats think they so above everyone else just because they super heroes."
Loki grabbed two mugs from the cupboard and started a kettle of water.
"I..I did some pretty horrible things. They have a right to say what they did."
"No they don't.  That wasn't...isn't you...they have done their fair share of they got no right calling you a monster."
"Thank you! I think you're the only one who believes I'm not that monster."
Jamie gently touched Loki's arm and locked eyes with him.
"I've never seen you as one. Even when we first met."
They stood there looking at each other for a while, until they heard Dr. Strange clear his throat.
"Um, your water is ready. The kettle been whistling. "
Jamie smiled and grabbed the cups, poured the water in each cup then handed one to Loki.

"So, how was training sis?"
"It was good. I feel rusty but otherwise good. How was your ummm..meeting? " Jamie sat down next to Dr. Strange.
"It was good too. Until you decided to slap Steve."
"Well, he was being a prick. And you know me, I don't let anyone say just anything about someone I care for"

Loki couldn't help but smile to himself as he sipped on his tea.

"So what's next? I I just sit and wait for big purple Barney to try to get into my head again...or we gonna take the fight to him?"
"You definitely aren't going to fight him! I won't allow it!" Loki said, kinda panicked but sternly.
"First off, you don't have to allow it...I'm capable to handling him...and two, you both promised me I wasn't I'm not scared.....uh oh...."
Jamie dropped her cup on the counter and grabbed her head.

"Did you seriously think I forgot about you?" A mysterious voice boomed out.
"You can not stop the inevitable. You will be mine soon enough." The same voice bellowed out as he let out a heartily laugh.
Jamie opened her eyes and she was back in the kitchen. Loki on one side and Strange on the other.
"Wh..what happened?!"
"You grabbed your head and fell off the stool. I caught you before you hit the floor. Was it Thanos again?" Loki asked as he watched her close.
Jamie nodded and sat up right.
"He said I would be his soon enough. I don't understand why he wants me so badly. I am just a normal girl. Nobody special."
Dr. Strange and Loki exchanged glances and then helped Jamie up.
"Why don't you go to your room and rest for a little bit. I need to talk to Loki here for a moment."
Jamie gave them both a confused look and sighed heavily.
"Yeah, sure thing"
Jamie walked out of the kitchen, but stopped just within ear shot.
"Loki, we need to tell her now!"
"I just...I don't want her be to much..." Loki said as he drummed the palm of his hand, looking downright scared.
Dr. Strange looked at Loki.
"I promise you, I won't let anything happen to her, but we can't keep leaving her in the dark. Especially now."
"I know. I will tell her. So she can be mad at me. She will need her brother now more than ever."
Jamie let a tear fall down her cheek as she walked to her bedroom.

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