Prologue: My fucked

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Well...not completely anyway. The Autumn King *is* paying for me to go to college here. Not that he has much of a choice thanks to the court order. I think as I shut off my alarm in my dorm room. Luckily, he gave me enough cash to get a single dorm at CCU, so I don't have to be bothered by any annoying roommates. 

I get up and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, staring at the fresh pimple I got and hissing at it as I poke it. Mom would kill me for poking at it. I think. The head back to my dorm to finish the rest of my routine. I start putting on mascara and poke my Icey blue eye. 

"fuck" I mutter as I try to fix the makeup. At least I got my mother's eyes instead of my sperm donor's, but I got pretty much everything else from him. Skin, hair, and all. My Mother's eyes and magic were all I got from her.  

My mother, as one couldn't have suspected, was a fae. But with water power in the stead of my father's fire. Luckily, he wanted nothing to do with me. So I never had to meet him or deal. I know I have siblings, but never got around to meeting them. They kept to themselves so I would too. Although, watching Bryce's fight on TV during the summit was WILD. 

After my hair was in a low bun and my mascara was fixed, I decided on a crewneck sunball sweatshirt and jeans for my outfit today. Grabbed my bag and coffee, put on my white sneakers, and headed to class. 

"Yo, Tali!" My friend, Mitchell, called. He was a tall guy, an athletic angel on the sunball team. He had been trying to sleep with me since I got here but I continue to turn him down. 

"Mitch" I say by way of greeting, setting my bag down at lecture. 

"Oh come on, princess, no need to be like that this early" He says as a joke, unknowing as to how close he came to the truth. 

"I'll be how I want" I say as I swirl my coffee cup. "There's still liquid here, so I can be as bitchy as I please" 

Mitch laughs "Well, you've got a point there" He says at the lecture begins. 

"Talia Feilds?" The professor calls during roll call.

"Here" is all I say before returning to my crossword puzzle on my laptop, not paying attention to the lecture. 

"you know" Mitch starts "You should pay attention at some point"

I smirk "daddy's money, remember?" I say, recalling a fake story I gave him not to garner suspicion. 

Class goes by slower than expected, but eventually, its over and I leave for my job at the local pool. What? A female with water powers working at a pool? How odd. 

Shift goes by fine and I clock in and out with ease. Once I get back to the dorm, I decide to take off my makeup and put on some comfier pants, fuzzy socks, and read some smutty novel I found online that morning. but then I feel something odd, like a tug in my soul. A portal opens up in my living room and I see a dark open space, and a portal on the other end, mine sucks me in as the other girl leaps through, I catch just enough of her face to recognize.

"...Bryce?" Is all I say before both portals close. Now I'm in a dark room with a scary ass winged male and an even scarier female. I don't even have time to say anything before a sword is at my throat. 

The woman says something I don't understand, so I just put my hand up and look at the other fae in the room. But he seems just as pissed as her. I look back at her with fear in my eyes as I ramble 

"I'msorryIdon'tknowwhereIamIjustgothereand" After that I begin to hyperventilate a little and the bat looking guy rolls his eyes, I see the butt of the sword coming down at my head before it all goes black.

I wake up to a black cell and a gorgeous male in a suit standing on the other end. His purple eyes look to me as he mumbles something I don't understand. I look at him oddly then try my language. "Do you understand me?" I question.

the male nods

I take in my surroundings "soooooo" I drawl.

He smiles at me, almost like a predator at prey "How did you get here?"

"I think my half sister, but I was just reading a book on the couch" 

"Your half sister, Bryce Quinlan?" 

"yeah, but I was reading on the couch" 

"The sister that hurt my spymaster and emissary, and also is a wielder of the dread trove" 

"Look I was on the couch! I don't talk to Bryce! Like ever!" I sigh "You're just going to have to trust me"

he considers for a moment, then just poofs, disappears into thin air

huh, this place is weird

He reappears with the bat male from earlier and I back up a little.

"He won't hurt you... for now. Repeat what you said to me." 

"which part, that I don't talk to Bryce or that I was over on the couch?"

The male rolls his eyes and looks the the bat, who simply nods and goes back into his shadows. The purple eyed male looks back to me. "You told the truth." He said, both a statement and question. 

"...Your minions are scary, and I didn't have time for a lie" I say nervously.

The male snickers, and offers me a hand "My name is Rhysand" 

I take the hand "and my name Is Thalia" 

He looks shocked "Thalia" 

"Well, Tali for short, but yeah." I say sheepishly 

"That's my sister's name" He says solemnly, I decide not to pry. 

"A good name" I say with a smile

Rhysand smiles back and remembers something. "here" He says. "this will allow you to speak in our native language" 

I examine the pill and nod. "Bottoms up" I say as I take it, at first, nothing. Then, the worst headache I've had in my life. 

Eventually, I get my ass off the floor and turn to Rhysand. "Thanks for the warning, jackass." 

He laughs a little and looks at you oddly 

"what?" you ask with some sass and an eyebrow raised.

"Nothing, you're just... refreshing." He says. "Are you ready to leave the cell?" He asks

I look around, more specifically down towards whatever monsters are at the bottom of that pit. 

Oh yeah, my life's definitely fucked

"Lead the way, Rhysand."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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