Striking A Bargain

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"A deal, you say?" Orchid quickly took interest in Purple's offer.

"Purple, what the hell are you doing?" Second whispered.

"I've got a plan, trust me." Purple whispered back.

Second looked at him for a moment, questioning the motives of whatever the plan was.

An idea came to him seeing Orchid more focused on Purple than the other two.

He pointed to the laser. "Dark, get to the laser while she's distracted. I say we zap her and try to reverse the effects and then get the hell out of here." He whispered.


Keeping an eye on Orchid, Second crawled past the two sticks and towards the laser.

"There better be an off switch on this." Dark muttered, scanning the machine for any type of lever or button that could help them.

"Come on, Purple," Second said to himself. "You're smart enough to think your plans through."

Listening to Purple, he figured out what he was thinking.

"I'll let you guys go through with your amnesia plan, if you let King and my friends live."

Knowing Purple wasn't this stupid, he saw straight through it.

Purple, you goddamn genius.

"You would let us brainwash you into doing our bidding?"

"If you revive King and the others and let them live, I'll let you go through with the plan."

Second could almost feel Orchid's skepticism forming into a completely different plan. The problem was, they knew exactly what Orchid was planning:

She'd revive Navy, kidnap Purple, kill him(for all they knew they were just going to kill him and use his body as a puppet), brainwash and erase his memories, and use him for their own purposes.

Second would actually rather be imprisoned in the damp cell then watch his friend be used as a puppet for world domination.

"Once we resurrect Navy, we'll kill off that purple menace, bring him back, erase his memories, and then all world power will be ours!"

The quote echoed in Purple's head like a mantra, and wouldn't stop.

Of course he wasn't going to let them use him as a puppet for their own nefarious purposes. He was that stupid!

Of course, he'd play along as long as Orchid brought the others back.

Which was going exactly the way he had hoped it would.

If his plan went in favor of him, he'd get out of being stripped from his family forever, defeat Orchid, and the others would survive the curse.

If he was lucky.

If he wasn't, only God knew what would happen to the others.

Well, that, and he would be forced to live amongst his memories as a slave to his old family.

"I understand how you people must feel, chasing your useless, good for nothing child away from bad influences," Purple said. "I understand your need to rescue a kid from a life of nothing but evil and spiraling. That's why if you let these innocent people who have nothing to do with you or your domination plan, I will help you."

Orchid stared in complete confusion. What was he on about?

Second stared at Dark, a knowing look shared between them. Genius.

"Let me help, and spare the mortals."

An evil smirk crossed her face. "Then shake on it, son."

Second was about to run towards Purple, before Dark stopped him, aiming a fireball at him, ready to attack.

He tossed the fireball, hitting Orchid and leaving Purple open to an attack.

Which he did, blasting her with an energy ball and tackling the laser machine with all the strength he could muster.

"We have to destroy this before it does anything worse!"

Dark, using the only other idea he had, started pushing the machine closer to the ledge and motioning for the other two to do the same.

"YOU TRAITOR!" Orchid screamed directly at Purple.

"Me? A traitor? Hah!" Purple spat. "I've been called that before for much worse reasons, and I've also been called worse!"

"Like what, brat?"

As Purple gave the last shove, he snapped at her, "Your son!"

The trio pushed the laser off the ledge.

"NO!" Orchid screamed, starting to chase after it before Purple tossed her into a wall.

"BRING MY FRIENDS AND FATHER BACK NOW!" Purple screamed, readying another fireball in his free hand.

Orchid snarled. "Why would I?"

"Bring. Them. Back." Purple snarled. "I will not hesitate to snap every bone in your body and throw it off this base like a puppet."

Orchid still didn't seem too fazed. "Like I'll listen to a child like you."

"You realize something crucial, Orchid," Second said. "Purple currently has control over whether or not you live or die. So either bring the others back or he will murder you with no remorse or hesitation."

"He's not capable of that!" Orchid spat with a cackle.

"Do you really want to test what I'm capable of with your life in my hands?" Purple said, an amount of venom coating his voice that sent shivers across Dark and Second.

"Have you seen him this mad before?" Dark whispered.

"Not since he learned Navy killed his mom with that virus." Second whispered back.

Orchid trembled under Purple's hold. "Ugh...fine! I'll bring your stupid friends back! Under one condition."

"And what's that?" Dark asked.

Orchid smirked. "The two of you give up your powers."

Purple's eyes widened. "What?!"

"Have you lost your mind!?" Dark snapped angrily, fireballs shooting from his hands.

"Dark, calm down."

"Why would I give up my magic after all I just went through to bring my family back?!" Purple snapped.

"I gave you the magic, and if you want your friends back, I suggest you give me back what's mine."

Purple's heart sank.

"After all, King's life is on the line here. Would you like to lose the person who has shaped you into the person you currently are?"

Purple looked down at his hand.

"King's little flower has a really big choice to make. So, what's it gonna be?"

"You might think everything's on you now, mainly because it is, but I know you can do this."

"I love you, my little flower."

"Fine," Purple let go of Orchid. "I'll give you my power, in exchange for my friend's lives."

"Purple, no! Please!" Dark exclaimed, feeling arms grab him. "We can't do this!"

"Do you or do you not want Chosen to live?!" Purple snapped through tears.

Dark backed down.

"Take these two to a holding cell until it's time for the extraction," Orchid said before turning to Second. "And you, return to Stick City, and your friends. You are not needed for the plan. The Dark Lord will join you soon enough."

"Dark! Purple!" Second exclaimed, running towards them, before being stopped by guards.

"Protect the others while you still can, Sec," Purple said. "It's the best you can do for now..."

The doors slammed, leaving Second alone.

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