The Final Shade Of Night

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"Aw, are the weak little powerless sticks gonna try and stop me?" Night Shade teased.

"Fuck off. You're the reason we're all in this mess!" Red snapped.

"Oh, am I?"

"If you hadn't attacked us, Purple and the others would be perfectly fine!" Yellow added. "Hell, you're probably the reason the entire world's gone to shit!"

"Oh, am I now? Well then, I guess it won't be very hard to extract Purple's powers? Will that send the world into a panic spiral?"

"It will when I get my hands on you," King snarled. "Leave my son alone."

"Now why would I?"

"Because he had nothing to do with this until you morons brought him into it!"

"Oh, but he set the entire plan into motion, did he not?"

Green stepped forward. "You people know damn well this is not Purple's fault. Navy abandoned him and by sheer desperation, wanted his family back. And that got us here, so don't go blaming Purple for your guy's mistakes!"

"Well, if that kid had just been str-"

"Finish that sentence and I will not hesitate to drown you," King growled. "This is not on Purple, and it never was, and if you try to say otherwise, I swear to Alan, I will rip you to shreds, limb from limb."

Night Shade still wasn't fazed. "You really wanna try me?"

"Say one more bad thing about my kid, and I will beat you to death so fast you won't even see it."

The first encounter with Navy sent shivers across Red's body as he remembered it. This is eerily similar to that day.

Red finally let go of Purple's hand but maintained the strength to pull him away from Navy. The duo cowered in fear as Navy patched up the portal with cobblestone. Navy turned to face them.

"Oh, how I've waited for you, my son." Navy said. Purple maintained a strong look, knowing his father hadn't changed a bit.

"Then why'd you leave me and mom?" Purple spat, venom and hatred clear in his voice. Navy only chuckled.

"I left, because of you," Navy said. "You were too babyish to fight and ran crying to your mommy every time I punched you!" He laughed, his voice becoming intimidating.

Red stepped forward, his body shaking with rage at the dark blue figure. "YOU were too harsh on him. His mom was not! You can't treat your own son like this!" He snapped.

"Or, we could just settle this the easy way," Night Shade said. "I was originally supposed to be Purple's caretaker and guardian following Orchid's death, but I wasn't. Why was that, King Orange?"

Gold's death.

King's rise to power.

The Ender Dragon incident on the Mac.

Purple's desperation to be good enough.

Working for King.

The parkour incident.

The first Nether battle.

Note Block Universe.

The final Nether battle.

King's desperate attempt to make things right.

"You took the child away from us!" They snapped.

"Bullshit I did!" King snapped back. "Purple was long gone when you learned that you were supposed to care for him, and you didn't go searching for him or anything! Months pass, and suddenly the kid's alive and in my care! Hell, I doubt anyone who actually knew Navy would trust him with someone like you because maybe they'll think you're just as bad as that piece of shit that nobody here can actually call Purple's father!"

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