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"What happened...?" You mumbled as you slowly opened your eyes. Sitting up from your spot you yawned. "I fell asleep? I don't remember falling asleep..." You muttered with a frustrated groan.

"Y/N!" Someone called your name. "Huh....?-" You mumbled again, this time the gears in your head began to move.

"Good now that you're both here-"

"What...? Where am I?!" Looking around you noticed your new surroundings. As it was unfamiliar to you, you quickly went into panic mode. "Huh....? What am I doing here!? Where am I??" Yelling loudly you freaked out entirely.

"Calm down Y/N." The Dijin told you calmy as he sweatdropped. However, you noticed how it was only his head.

"Huh...well it's hard not to panic when I probably got kidnapped..." You shivered as you backed up slightly. Turning your head to your right you noticed the familiar blue-headed Magi from earlier.

"Aladdin right? This guy kidnapped you too? He has no shame it seems." You said looking over at the young boy and then at the Dijin in front of you.

Meeting eyes with him he quickly looked down at his feet. "No, he didn't kidnap us. He won't hurt us either I promise! but..." His voice suddenly came to a stop as he soon opened up his mouth to speak once more. "I'm sorry, because of me your friend almost died.."

"Are you talking about Judar...?" You tilted your head. "Yes.." He mumbled, looking a bit ashamed. After confessing he gained the courage to look up at you. His eyes widened as he saw your kind smile.

"Oh, well...I don't know what happened but, I have a feeling it was in self-defense?" You shrugged your shoulders as you let out a chuckle. Though you felt a pain in your heart when you fully processed his words.

"Yes! I tried to bring him here as well but...It seems he is still not able to be here with us at the moment." He said. "Get on with it. Why are we here, and who are you?" You muttered as you placed your hands on your hips.

"Oh yes! My name is Ugo." He introduced himself. "Ugo?" You repeated. "You said his name didn't you Y/N? Back in Balbadd remember?" Aladdin spoke to you, his voice filled with curiosity.

"Yes...? Yes, I did, though I'm unsure who you are. Your name, Ugo seems familiar. I'm not entirely certain but when I touched your flute Aladdin, I seemed to remember something. Well, it was more like a feeling. It felt dark and painful." You said, shivering at the memory.

"Y/N you don't seem to get the full picture, but you will someday, that I can't tell you myself." Ugo frowned. "Now...There are people that are trying to make fate reverse its course."

Wonder Of A Magi [Magi The Labyrinth of Magic x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now