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------------------Sitting outside in your garden you were deep in thought

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Sitting outside in your garden you were deep in thought. Thinking if Yukako was ready to capture a dungeon. You were certain...? Truth be told you weren't so sure yourself. You just hated the way your father would say such rude remarks.

Standing up you made your way back inside the palace. Entering the palace someone called out to you.

"Oh! Dear Magi! I have a letter for you" One of the mail carriers came up to you, handing you the letter he was holding out in his hands.

"Thank you very much!" You said as you eagerly took the letter off of his hands. Blushing the boy walked away in a hurry. You looked it over as you walked to your room. You stood in front of the door as you opened it and quickly closed the door behind you.

"Finally back in my room at last! I just want to sleep..." You said to yourself as you lay down on your bed. You looked at the letter and opened it and discovered it was from Kougyoku.

"Dear Y/N,

I miss you, we are having a sort of party soon if you can please come visit us. You can even stay in my room!

Sinbad will be there since the party was hosted for him, it will be his last day in our country. It's strange, I feel...weird around him.

Anyway, I'll be really happy if you do come! I already got permission for you to stay so don't worry.

Kougyoku Ren"

"Hmm...I guess I'll go, I promised them I'd see them again anyway. It will be good to leave my responsibilities, even if it's for a little bit..." You mumbled to yourself. Suddenly you registered the part where she mentioned how Sinbad would be there. "Sinbad is going to be there...? That...that sucks" You said while groaning in annoyance.

Closing your eyes for a second you began to drift off to sleep.


You soon awoke to a new day. Getting up you began your day. After getting ready you left for your Father's study room.

Arriving you knocked on the door after giving consent to enter you opened the door. "Father, I will be leaving for a few days-" You began to talk before you were interrupted.

"Where are you off to now? I swear it's almost like you want to stay away from your responsibilities" Father said in an annoyed voice.

"Well like I was saying, I'll be leaving for Kou, I've been invited to attend something rather important." You said in a cold voice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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