Last breath

895 12 6

Requested by @HellGeek666

Some angst coming up! (I'm not good with angst os be warned)


There was nothing but rubble left, your life in the last 6 months gone. Not that you really cared, too busy running around looking through what was left. Searching for a lighter shade of red, maybe a static noise or something?

You plucked up a spear along the way, eyes flickering around as you thought about calling out. But you resisted, not wanting to alert anyone. The air was thick, reeking misery and death. Metallic smell burning your throat, this place was a mess.

Even more than you were when you first fell... Okay- no, comedy was not helping you. Stepping over bodies you push away rubble. Looking for a red clad corpse. Or maybe half alive, whichever it was gonna be. You wished it would happen soon.

You try to breathe in a single lick of fresh air, but it's of course. Sour. As you grumble out a curse, of course this man would be hard to find. But this was a chance like no other, a very big one.

Your ear twitched as it picked up on the ever so silent steps. Immediately starting to creep towards it, peeking around a large bit of debris you managed to just see his feet slip in through the hatch of his dilapidated radio studio.

You sneak closer, standing over it as you listened in to his muttering. Psychotic mumblings. So like him, you climb in as he was busy trying to comfort himself with delusions.

"Once I unclip my wings, guess who will be pulling all the strings!" He held his arms high, a bright smile on his face before he pauses. Snapping over in a coughing fit. Red blood slipping down his lips as you hum. Announcing your presence with that singular sound as his head snaps back.

Wide eyes darting over you, before he fixed his posture. "(___)! Dear friend, I see you managed to survive." He mused, taking a step closer as you placed down the spear. He smiled at you as you smile back, immediately lunging at him. And pulling into a hug. Rolling over the floor.

He grunted in surprise as you hold him up with your grip. He tensed, a hand awkwardly patting your head. Your shoulders started shaking as he paused. Before you get his ego being feed.

"Now now. I'm fine old pal," his hands slip down to rest on your back as he slightly leaned away from your touch. "No need for tears-" he's interrupted by himself, as he gasps in surprise. There was silence. Followed by his eyes moving down to stare at the tip of the dagger.

You glance up, a blank face, his small pupils moved to you as his wide mouth hanged open. You ripped it out, causing him to stumble back, grabbing at the wound as he let out a baffled laugh.

"What-" his voice lacked the normal lace of static. As he looks down with wide eyes, before you yet again lunging for him. This time however, the knife is raised. Yet again stabbing into him as you're both sent barreling back. You don't hesitate the persistent gutting into him as he's too shocked to say anything.

When done you spin the handle in your hand. Humming a tune with a smug smile, eyes slowly moving up to stare into his. Small pinpricks stare back as he held himself slightly propped up with his elbows.

"Dear," He gritted, barring his teeth as you hum. "Why would." He trailed off, trying to sit up but your hand on his shoulder kept him there. Causing a static pop.

"Well you could say we're one of the same on that side. We both want our freedom." You simply state, as his pupils shook with immeasurable anger.

"You-" "I, think it's time for your final broadcast," your free hand intertwines into his locks. Moving his head back as your blade gently played against his neck. "It's far overdue." You add, the blade pressing against the corner of his smile, so close to dropping.

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