Ch 1. Turning Point 1

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Ever since I found myself in this world, I have been having dreams. Now, it may not sound special but, for someone who hasn't had a single dream in the past 14 years, it's quite the jarring experience. What are my dreams about? Well... I don't exactly remember them, but it feels like I should. If I were to make an educated guess then I'd say my dreams are about the circumstances that brought me here, since I don't remember that either.

Let me start off with the things I do remember. My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, I am 17 years old and I was studying at Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School in class 3-A. Three months ago, I awoke to find myself in a small wooden house being treated by an older woman named Tetra, and a lady named Anna around my age. They spoke an old dialect of English so communication was difficult but I managed after a while. According to them, I was found in the forest, wounded. 

More importantly, I am not in my correct time period. Maybe I should have started with that. Anyhow, it seems like I was somehow transported 1000 years into the past. I am currently situated in the British Isles, near modern day London. The people who had been taking care of me decided to accept me into their family; the loss of on the Tetra's youngest son probably led them to that decision. In exchange I have been helping around the house, be it through hunting, woodcutting, or cooking.

Its a peaceful life that I'm living, but something at the back of my mind, something that I'm forgetting, is stopping me from feeling at peace. When ever I try to find the source of this distaste, I always find a hole in my memory. Of course, there is the added risk of the butterfly effect; if I change history too much then, through cause and effect, I might prevent my existence from happening in the future creating a paradox. Of course I am curious about the functioning of paradoxes in the real world, but NOT at the expense of being the test subject.

Back to the topic, I am not that afraid of the butterfly effect right now. If my memory serves me correct then the only significant events that take place in my time period is the death of King Sweyn of Denmark, the Coronation of king Cnut, and the unification of the North Sea Empire. If I continue my life as is then no big changes should be made to history. If its not the butterfly effect that I'm worried about then what is it?

Never mind, I should focus on my task at hand.

Swishhhh. I released my spear, aiming at the rabbit I spotted 50 meters away. It hit with a satisfying thump. 'Alright, this should be enough for today. Two rabbits and some herbs.' I thought to my self as I collected my spear, 'Its almost nightfall as well, I should head back.'

My temporary residence is about an hours walk away from where I am. If I follow the river downstream then I should be able to reach the town before the sun sets. 

As I walked I contemplated my dilemma. On one hand I'm free as a bird, with some limitations. On the other, I feel like I must do something in order to maintain this freedom. Both of these thoughts are contradictory so an immediate decision must be made. For now I'll chalk it up to culture shock, or in this case time shock (?) which should disappear in a few months. Lost in my own thoughts, I reached the town in no time.

I headed towards the small wooden house where I am currently residing. Something was off. There was a distinctly different smell lingering as well as drops of blood lining the entrance. The sluggish trails in the dirt and the slightly ajar door made me confident that something was awry. I peeked through the gap in to door,  seeing the backs of Tetra and Anna. I continued watching as they fumbled around the bed.

I continued to watch as Tetra moved out of the way, Anna quickly followed suite. Their departure opened my line of sight of the bed. What I saw was a small blonde boy.



Vinland Saga is a story about change, growth, rebirth and atonement; qualities which go against the sole ideology of Ayanokouji. I was interested to see how the concepts of Vinland Saga would affect Ayanokouji so I decided to write this fanfic. The thought of Ayanokouji fighting vikings is badass.

Heres a basic outlines of the arcs of this fic, each arc will end with a 'Turning Point' chapter:

1. Manhunt
2. A Game for the Throne
3. Two Birds
4. War In the Baltic
5. Constantinople 
6. Journey West
7. Thousand Year Voyage

ofc Manga spoilers for vinland saga. There might be LN spoilers for CotE but it wont be that deep.

Next chapter : Ch 2. Thorfinn Karlsefni

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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