Ice giants - Part 9 - Geralt x Jaskier x Reader

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(Y/n) pushed the key into the lock and turned it. The door creaking open to reveal, in truth, a quite nice, large room. A bath to one side of the room, and a single, spacious bed to the other side. The female Witcher making her way inside and dropping her saddlebags to the floor, before turning to look at the two men that still stood in the doorway.

"Well, are you just going the stand there, or are you coming in? Believe me, this is the best we are gonna get. If Beron says the town is busy, then its busy. You saw what it was like downstairs. There is no point venturing out into the cold to see if you can find something else, because you won't. And if they realise who Geralt is, you may find that it is only my good reputation with the people around here, that will stop you from being chased out of town. Ice Giant, or no Ice Giant." (Y/n) explained, before she made her way over to the bed and checked how comfortable it was. The two men looking at one another, before both trying to get in the room at the same time. Geralt huffing, before giving Jaskier one of those 'really?' kind of looks, before the bard stepped to one side, and allowed the Witcher to make his way into the room.

"How does that man know about the Ice Giants?" Jaskier asked, as he threw his bag to the floor, and pulled off his heavy coat, that was still covered in snow. The bard speaking for the first time, since they had set off that morning.

"These people may not be able to see the Ice Giants like I can, but they can certainly see the carnage that they cause. And as the first thing that he asked me, was if we were here for them, it means that there are indeed Ice Giants here. So, we are going to need some rest, before we head to the hills and caves." The female Witcher explained, as she too took off her coat, and then sat on the bed so that she could pull off her boots.

"Alright, what is it with you two..........?" She questioned, as the two men moved around the room in silence. Both of them turning to look at her.

"Neither of you have said a word, which it quite normal for Geralt; but for you Jaskier........not so much. So, what is it? Come on.........spit it out." Both men looking at one another again. Both knowing what the issue was.

"Which one of us do you want?" Jaskier came out and asked, as he took a step closer to where (Y/n) still sat on the bed.

"I saw you with Geralt this morning............"

"And........." The beautiful Witcher interrupted, as she got to her feet and pulled her shirt up over her head. The two men unable to stop themselves from looking at what had been revealed.

"And.........." Jaskier continued, his voice coming out slightly squeaky, as (Y/n) moved to stand in front of him.

"I thought.......I thought you and I, we were............"

"We are, Jaskier. I like you very, very much. But I have room in my heart for Geralt, too. And as I told him this morning, I don't mind if you want to share me." (Y/n) said, as she pressed herself up against him. Jaskier looking over her shoulder to Geralt. The big man, giving a slight nod to say that (Y/n) was telling the truth, before taking a seat, and pulling off his own boots.

"You, me and Geralt? That Geralt and"

"Oh, yes. That is definitely what I mean, Jaskier." (Y/n) agreed. A small chuckle leaving her lips, as a she saw his eyes widen.

"I already know Geralt; but as it has been some time, I would very much like to revisit the experience. And as for you..........." (Y/n) interpreting herself, as placed her hand over Jaskier's crotch. Moving so that she could whisper quietly into the bard's ear.

"I would like to experience you, too.........." She told him, as she began to move her hand. Jaskier biting down on his lip and closing his eyes, as she pressed a little firmer.

"But that is up to you two............." Jaskier groaning as she pulled away. (Y/n) pulling her shirt back on, as there was a knock at the door. The female Witcher opening the wooden ingress to find a young girl looking up at her.

"Miss (Y/n)." The girl said with a small curtsy. Her mouth dropping open, as she saw the other Witcher over the older woman's shoulder.

"Meidda. You have grown since last time I was here." (Y/n) replied, looking between Geralt and the dark-haired girl.

"These are friends of mine, Meidda. That there is Jaskier; and the big scary looking one, is Geralt. Don't worry about him, once you get to know him, you will find that he is about as scary as a puppy." Both females laughing, as they looked over at the big man.

"Now, what is it.............?"

"I didn't mean ta disturb you, miss; but pa sent me ta see if you wanted anything........"

"Yes, Meidda. We will have some food if you have some left, wine and ale too, whatever your father has. Oh, and we will be needing hot water for the bath." (Y/n) told her. The female Witcher pushing a coin into her hand; Meidda curtsying, before quickly making her way back to her father.

"Now........." (Y/n) continued, as she turned back to look at Jaskier and Geralt and pulled back off her shirt.

"What say we settle in and talk about experiences, old and new..........."  

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