The Healer - Part 10 - Geralt x Reader

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A pale haired man made his way out of the cottage, that was tucked into a bright corner of the forest. He was still getting used to all this; still getting used to the daily routines of chopping wood and fetching water. Of fixing the roof and mending broken furniture, or other things around the house. Of watching on, as a steady stream of people came to call on the woman that made the cottage a home; made it his home. He would still ask her if there was more that he could do; after all, he was used to fighting, to wandering the highways and byways, of facing all manner of ghastly foe; but all she would do was giggle at him, and tell him that she would deal with the visitors, while he looked after the old horse in the stables, and the little boy that refused to let him out of his sight. That, and stop a certain someone from trying to romance any of her prettier patients.

Slowly he closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the cool morning air. Feeling the now all too familiar sense of calmness come over him, as he thought about his new life, and his decision to leave his old one behind. He had been asked on more than one occasion, whether he regretted giving everything up; he had been made to fight monster, and now, all he fought was the elements. Making sure that snow did not pile up around the doorway and rain did not come through the roof. Some may say that it had been a foolish decision to make, for who would want to go from being what he had been, to a life like any other; but really, what had his old life been but one of fighting to survive, hoping that the next monster would not be his last. Of being alone, uncared for, feared, and in some cases, despised. So no, not for one second did he regret the decision that he had made. The sudden smell of breakfast filling the air and reminding him that soon, a little boy would come looking for him to tell him to come and eat. That his hand would be grasped, and he would be pulled back into the cottage. The smile of the woman that would greet him, assuring him that now he was safe, cared for, and loved.

"Something smells good..........What's for breakfast.......?" A familiar voice came. A heavy sigh leaving Geralt's lips, as Jaskier came out from the stables, with a broad smile on his lips, as he sniffed at the air.

"One of (Y/n)'s patients brought her some pork. But you don't get anything unless you work for it............" Geralt retorted, as he pulled the axe from the stump, and threw it towards the bard. Jaskier counting his fingers to make sure that they were still all there, after fumbling with the hatchet.

"I thought we had come to an agreement that you chop the wood and I..........."

"You chop wood, or you don't eat............." Geralt quickly interjected, as he picked up the wooden pail, and made his way to the stream to get some water. The distance meaning that he didn't have to listen to the bard complain about needing his fingers to play; and what was a bard unless he could play his instrument.

"Papa!" A little voice suddenly exclaimed. The title would normally bring a huge smile to the former Witcher's lips; but this time, the word was filled with all manner of urgency. Geralt forgetting the pail, as he quickly got to his feet and saw Jerod running towards him.


"Its momma, papa. She.........she............" The little boy tried to explain, his eyes filling with tears. Geralt quickly picking up his son and racing back to the cottage. His eyes growing wide, as he saw Jaskier doing his best to help (Y/n) up from the floor.

"(Y/n) everything..............?" The big man began, as he dropped to his knees, and took her hand.

"I........I'm fine, Geralt..........." (Y/n) replied through gritted teeth. Her hand gripping a little tighter at his.

"But........but I need you to go and get Vira from the next village. She can help me..............." The healer continued. Placing her free hand on his cheek as she saw the concerned look on his face. (Y/n) well aware that he did not want to leave her.

"I will be alright. Please, just find Vira and tell her that she is needed. Jerod and Jaskier will look after me until you return." She assured. Geralt turning his head to look up at the bard. His concerned look mirroring that of the former Witcher's.

"We will look after her. I promise, Geralt." Jaskier agreed. Geralt reluctantly nodding his head before picking up (Y/n) and taking her to their bedroom.


Four males paced the floor of the front room of the cottage. It had felt like it had taken years for Geralt and Roach to get to the nearby village. And even longer, as they had waited for Vira's son to hitch up their old horse to the wagon, so that the group could make their way back to the cottage. But once they had got to the cottage, Vira had disappeared into the room, leaving her son, Geralt, Jaskier and Jerod, to their own devices. All of them turning their attention to the door of the bedroom, whenever a sound came from the other side.

"Its alright, papa. Momma will be fine..........." Jerod said, as he moved to his father's side and took hold of his hand. Another loud noise coming from the room behind the closed door. Geralt doing his best to smile at his son and nod in agreement, despite the fact that he had never felt so useless in his life. Wishing that they were facing monster, and then at least he would know what to do. The son of Visenna feeling as if his heart had stopped, as suddenly everything fell silent. The four males moving closer, as the door to the room, slowly opened.


"It's a girl............." Vira announced, interrupting Geralt. The stunned man looking at the others around him.

"Someone would like to see you and Jerod..........." Vira continued with a smile, as she opened the door, and allowed the two of them in. The pair slowly making their way to the bed, where an exhausted but happy (Y/n) sat, with a neatly swaddled bundle in her arms.

"We have a daughter, my love........." The healer said. Tears of joy slowly making their way down Geralt's cheeks, as Jerod carefully climbed up next to his mother. His finger gently brushing over the soft cheek of the tiny being, as he looked at the babe.

"She's beautiful, momma............"

"She is. Just as beautiful as you are, my dear heart. And I think that she would like to meet her papa.........." (Y/n) replied, as she held out the little girl for Geralt to take. The healer giving him an encouraging smile, as he hesitantly took his new daughter into his arm. The big man never having felt so nervous than at this moment; afraid that if he did one thing wrong, then he would lose his new little being. Promising himself that he would fight any enemy, any foe, any monster that might wish to not only harm his new child, but also his son and his bride. Geralt sitting on the bed next to Jerod and taking in all that surrounded him. Did he regret giving up his old life.............? No, not for one moment, for all that he could ever ask for was here, in that little room.  

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