Panacea Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I certainly don't own Scarlet Nexus or any of its affliated properties.

"Scarlet Nexus": Speech (Bold for yelling or Boss level creature)

'Scarlet Nexus': Thought

Scarlet Nexus: Memories

[Scarlet Nexus]: Brain Talk

Chapter 10

Kunad Highway, 2070

In the dystopian version of the Kunad highway, Kasane came to her senses, groggily surveying her environment. As her eyes flitted open, what greeted her was the cracked asphalt and ruined road foundations that somehow stretched skywards. Putting a hand to her head, she then looked upwards to see a crimson hole in the sky above, its gaping maw seemingly expanding to cover the entirety of the sky and sucking the roads below into it.

" that?" Kasane asked, a dull and heavy sense of disorientation and pain settling in her mind. Trying to keep a straight thought seemed difficult and she couldn't shake the feeling of something quite wrong happening around her.

"What's going on here? I don't get it?" She said she sat up; her normally placid look replaced with a more vulnerable mien-a stark contrast to her normal behavior. As she pondered her situation, she then remembered what happened to her in the twilight world with the red strings, the memory of Yuito and Hikaru being there hitting her in a flash.

"Yuito?! Hikaru?!" Kasane exclaimed, looking around feverishly trying to find them. While she couldn't find neither hide nor hair of Yuito, she found Hikaru passed out face first in the grass a few paces away from Kyoka, who was also unconscious nearby.

"Major Kyoka! Hikaru!" Kasane said as she went to Kyoka's side first, the woman in question being both closer to her position as well as being a form of authority that would help quell the storm of questions in Kasane's mind. Meanwhile Hikaru woke up, a hand pressed to one side of his face while he watched Kasane work. The Major came to quickly, merely needing a shake or two to wake up.

"Kasane. " Kyoka said as she came to. "What happened? First we were attacked by Major General Karen...and then we were attacked by other OSF." She said, the recent events having left her quite shaken, her worried eyes fixed on Kasane. As Kasane then helped Kyoka get to her feet, they saw the rest of Kyoka platoon show up-Arashi looking unruffled while Shiden appeared to be nursing a headache. Hikaru however stood farther than the rest of the group, a wooden expression on his face.

"Then there was that big earthquake. But it is strange- how can an earthquake make something like that?" Arashi said as the group all looked at the black hole in the sky.

"What is that?!" Shiden said as they all saw the roads of the Kunad system converge into the hole in strange ways as if the laws of physics were different in such a small area. Arashi, of course, was the first to pick up on this.

"I don't know. But it appears there is some sort of gravitational anomaly around that thing." She said as Shiden grunted irritably.

"Damn. That must be why my head hurts so much." He said as Hikaru came over to him and clapped a hand on his shoulder affably, the electrokinetic sparing him an appreciative look.

"I felt a pain too. It wasn't like a normal headache, it was something different." Kyoka said as she and Arashi(who was fine because her power gave her minor resistance to G-force) looked at one another and then Hikaru, who seemed to be fine along with Kasane though they both noticed their haunted looks as well as his rigid posture.

"Wait. So none of you saw that? Hikaru, you were there as well right? Then what could that have been? Maybe it was just that dream again." Kasane said as the group focused on her, Hikaru quick to dissuade her of the notion, quickly nodded, reminding her that yes, he was there too. Shiden then cut in, the hazy concept of dreams being brought up in a situation like this seeming pointless to him.

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