Chapter 38

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"I can't believe you actually threatened Jayden into letting us go," Leo laughed.  He trudged on forward with Jason, Piper and Percy, with Zoe trailing at the back, probably not wanting to get involved with the boys.

"He knew it was a losing game," Percy shrugged with a layback smile.  They are going to the train stop, hopefully able to catch Apollo's train towards Rome.

"Look!  The train station is there!" Piper said, pointing to the interchange.

"Look for a Sun West Line, it should be able to take us to Rome," Percy frowned.

"Doesn't it only go West just like the name?" Jason asked.

"I'm pretty sure it goes to Rome now," Percy said, with a knowing smile.

Percy walked towards the cashier for the Sun West line, the cashier was an old man, wearing reading glasses as he looked at his newspaper.

"We would like five tickets for the Sun West line, please," Percy requested.  He handed the man a few mortal currency.

The man put down his newspaper slowly and started to put the numbers on his computer, he took the money and gave Percy their tickets in return, "Be careful, young lad, this train is an old thing."

Percy nodded his thanks and they all boarded the train.  They found a nice compartment and settled in it.

"Percy, you can sit with Zoe, the rest of us will sit here," Piper instructed.

"Sure," Percy shrugged.  He sat at the side and put his stuff down.  He ordered a few nice drinks and shared them within the group.

After a while, Percy dozed off. He rested his head on Zoe's shoulder. Once Zoe realized this, her body stiffened and she turned red. She looked at the others and found them asleep soundly.

She relaxed, in fact, she quite like the weight on her shoulders. She closed her eyes and slowly drifted into the realm of Morpheus.


"Zoe, you know, I'm really glad we had such a wonderful time together, but my time isn't unlimited," a blurred figure said in front of her, it coughed.

Currently, the figure in front of her was lying on the floor, she looked around and saw a lot of people standing, looking at them somberly. She was kneeling next to the figure, judging by the short hair, the figure seemed to be a male.

Zoe wanted to see the male's face so badly, to know who would it be to be so close to her, unfortunate for her, it was blurred.

Her body was holding onto this male's hand, sobbing really hard.

Dreamstate end

Suddenly, the train jolted and everyone on board (Percy, Piper, Jason, Leo and Zoe)  all woke up due to the impact.

"Seems like we are stopping.  Well, this is strange, we aren't even close to Rome," Jason frowned.

"Looks like we have a special guest coming in," Zoe said, she was looking out the window checking for any strange situations.

The group leaned against the window and saw two figures, both of them has blonde hair  and they were walking into the train.

"Hmm, there should be an announcement if they really are special guests," Piper said.

"Maybe they are just temporarily getting onboard," Leo said.

"Of course not Leo, who do you think would do that," Jason said.

One of the men walked into the cart and poked his head in, Percy groaned.  The man had a bright smile on his face, "Is there a Percy Jackson here?"

"Here," Percy raised his hand.  Zoe looked at him with... hesitation.

"Please come with me," he said.

"Guys, wait here, I'll be back real fast, right?" Percy asked the man.

"Yep, in a flash," the man said.

Percy followed the man out of the cart and asked, "What are you doing here, Apollo?"

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