Grammy hookups

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you were just touching up your make up in the limo when your heard the pitter patter of rain fall against the window. you huffed to yourself, opening the door as a bodyguard immediately stood at the door with an umbrella to walk you safely towards the entrance of the grammys.

"thank you." you smiled, carefully dropping your hair on your shoulder, fixing the tiny braid that lay tangled with the rest of your locks. the entrance became clear in view as she rain grew heavier, the rush of many other celebrities growing to get inside.

in the rush of everything, you didn't realise a man in all black rushing in your direction and lunging for your purse. your eyes shot up towards the man who was still running towards you, his arm extending for your purse.

all of a sudden, a black gloved arm slipped round your waist and two bodyguards you didn't recognise entangled the robber in their grasp and took him away. you were too shocked to process what just happened, when you saw a familiar ginger talking to your bodyguard.

tree paine was stood, tapping the buttons on her phone while talking to the woman who still had her grasp on you. "yes, grab her some water please. y/n, are you okay?" your eyes shot up to face the familiar looking blonde who still had her arms around you. it was taylor swift.

"y- yes. i'm fine, thank you." you stuttered, slightly breathless. "i am terribly sorry about what happened just now, tree is sorting it out right away. come sit with us, i'm taylor.' taylor greeted you with a warm smile, introducing herself like she wasn't your most favourite artist on earth already and a famous singer.

"that would be lovely, thank you taylor." you hoped your cheeks weren't betraying you with the furious blush you were sure had appeared on your face. you ended up walking with taylor and her bodyguards to the entrance, walking in with her instead of the other entrance.

taylor invited you to the red carpet fashion, and you couldn't help but say yes, even if your nerves were peaking at the moment. "you're shaking, honey. are you okay, do you need a moment?" taylor asked you quietly while tree fixed taylor's hair and dress. you hadn't completely had a chance to look at taylor's dress, but now seeing it in front of you made your heart beat a million miles.

her long black gloves fit her hands perfectly while her dress flowed behind her just like a princess in different layers and hugged her waist amazingly. your eyes trailed down the large slit in her dress from high on her hips to her black heels. it was a strapless masterpiece, and the many necklaces she wore trailed down to her cleavage that you could see.

"i'll be okay, ready?" you grinned at the blonde who stood before you. taylor's cheeks flushed a cute, rosy pink when she smiled and she nodded, eyeing your black dress. you wore a black think strap dress that had a large slit on my right leg that cut dangerously just at your hip. the material hugged your figure perfectly, showing every curve and enlarging your breasts.

"i'm ready, here." she took a step closer to you and your heart sped up, hammering against your chest so hard you could hear the vibrations in your ears. taylor extended an arm and fixed your hair, her thumb running across your cheek absentmindedly as your cheeks flushed hot pink.

"thanks." you gave taylor a soft smile and followed her to the red carpet. as soon as taylor's face came into view, the constant sound of shutters and bright flashing lights blurred your vision and filled the room. you was slightly anxious, however it all disappeared when you saw a reassuring smile on taylor's face and she pulled you into her side.

your arm wrapped round her as her arm did the same, sitting on your waist as she posed for photos. every now and then, tree and your bodyguard came to straighten your dresses, spreading the ends out for better photos.

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