Those Dance Classes Doing You Good?

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You were 21 and performing as a dancer on the Eras Tour. Dancing has always been a huge part of your personality and you've always wanted to make a career out of it. You've been dancing since before you could even walk, and you'd been lucky to secure a spot on the Eras Tour as a backup dancer, even though you were so young, though so talented.

Almost half a year into the Eras Tour, you had picked up feelings for Taylor, and so had she. Taylor ended up admitting how she felt for you and you both decided to date, keeping your relationship secretive, not because you were her dancer and much younger — you didn't care about the gap and neither did she — but because you both wanted a private relationship to see how things worked out first.

It was nearing the 1 year anniversary of the Eras Tour, and you were now on the Vigilante Shit performance. Taylor thought you were far too young to be performing this dance, but you insisted and once she'd seen how well you had performed it, she let you go ahead with it, only keeping you behind her rather than being further in front just for your safety regarding your age.

as you performed the bridge, taylor snuck glances towards you as she sang to the crowd, slipping smirks and eyeing your body. when you spread your legs across the chair, her gaze dropped to the heat between your thighs, slightly licking her lips and nibbling her lip.
you caught sight of this, and god it made you wet. every time she man spread the way you liked it, you both would lock eyes and for that one moment, every single person in the stadium would feel like they had disappeared and it was just you and taylor in the stadium.

once the vigilante shit performance had finished, taylor softened and went straight to the next song, all happy. you both smiled and giggled at each other while dancing, both having the time of your lives doing what you loved the most.

it was now the end of karma, and you all linked hands and bowed. taylor put you beside her, and you both intertwined your hands, her thumb caressing your hand softly as you both bowed. as you all came off stage, taylor's hand went to the small of your back as you walked to her dressing room. everyone else went to their dressing rooms — they all knew about you and taylor's relationship with each other so it was nothing abnormal.

"you did so great, darling." taylor beamed at you, finally getting to hold you in her arms and kiss you. "so did you, you do amazing out there, taylor." you grinned, kissing her lips and slipping your arms around her neck. "y'know, the vigilante shit performance always gets me. i love the way you spread your pretty legs, although i prefer it when you do it just for me."
taylor smirked, and you flushed pink, the heat returning to your thighs.

"i think i can do that for you." you purred, already sliding the straps of your bodysuit off.
"strip that pretty bodysuit off and spread those legs on the bed for me." taylor ordered, and you obeyed, crawling onto the bed and splitting your legs open into the splits, revealing your soaking pussy to taylor and her mouth watered.
you dropped your eyes, hooding them beneath your eye lids and hardened your glare to make it more seducing towards taylor.

it worked of course, and taylor was immediately wet and needy. she strode over to the bed, slipping off her bodysuit as she made her way to you. "i think i need a photo of this." taylor smirked, pulling her phone out. you startled for a minute, before sinking back when taylor said, " don't worry, sweetheart. this photo wont be going anywhere except in my hidden camera roll." taylor smiled, snapping a perfect photo of you spread open for her.

"perfect. now i know you are flexible, i want you wide open for me, darling." she purred, and you widened your legs completely to your sides, toes curled and pointed at her words.
"good girl, that's how i like it. i'm going to make you feel so good." taylor murmured sensually, kneeling down at the edge of the bed, pulling you by your thighs, her grip hard til your pussy was in her view.

"such a pretty pussy, all for me." she licked her lips before flattening her tongue against you, and your hands went straight for her hair, weaving fingers through her locks as she added pressure to your clit, tracing circles while massaging your thighs. "that's a good girl for me, let me hear those pretty moans." taylor's voice vibrated on your pussy, and you moaned out her name, pushing your hips into her face.

"beg for it, sweet girl. you know what to do, slut." taylor demanded, nipping your clit.
"please, mommy. eat me out please, im your slut especially for you, please fuck me so hard."you moaned, arousal gushing out of you.
"because you asked so nicely." taylor grinned, sliding her tongue inside you as you whimpered and gasped, your legs snapping around her back and pulling her in closer.

taylor moaned into your pussy, sending vibrations through you and started tracing her name inside you. "you're mine." taylor growled, her nose pressed to your clit as she feasted on you like it was her first meal in a while. you thrashed and bucked against her, feeling your orgasm climbing up your spine. "oh taylor, i'm so so close please." you moaned out, thanking that the walls here were soundproof inside and out. "be a good girl for me and scream my name." taylor rasped, moving her tongue inside you at a scary pace while adding more pressure to your clit by pushing her head further.

you screamed out her name, moaning as your legs shook, bucking and whimpering as you released onto her tongue. taylor was quick to lick up all your release, moaning at your taste and her eyes rolled back, sucking your clit as she cleaned you out. "taylor, fuck." you breathed out, falling back onto the bed, breathing heavily as your legs shook still.

"you were such a good girl for me, well done darling." taylor smiled, pulling on a pair of panties for you and a large shirt, throwing some of herself before scooping you into her arms while slipping shorts on to the pair of you. "that was fucking incredible, i don't think i've came so hard." you chuckled, catching tour breath as taylor pressed loving kisses to your neck.

"singers are good with their tongues, baby." taylor murmured onto you neck, kissing your lips and walking out the room towards the bus.
"those dance lessons i got you in for must be doing you good. those positions you pulled were mind blowing." taylor laughed, making you laugh too against her chest, her laughs were always contagious in the best way possible. "you did get me the best teacher." you retorted, poking her nose.

"i know."

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