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Third person POV

His hard, cold knuckles raked across the vibrant red, wooden door. He stands there in his white button down shirt and black slacks. A golden police badge adorns his belt along with a gun and a pair of cuffs beside it. The door opens to the person he has been waiting four days to speak to.

"Mrs. Andrews?" He asks a fake smile wiped across his face.

Elizabeth can feel her heart beat quicken but stands tall and doesn't let her face falter, not one bit.

"That's me. How can I help you officer?" She knows why he's here but acts completely clueless to who he is and why he's here.

Chase holds a finger up in order to ask her for a minute. He reaches to his back pocket and pulls out the picture he had brought over to show Elizabeth.

"Can you identify this woman for me?" Chase asks holding in up to the elderly woman. She purses her lips and pulls her glasses down from on top of her white hair. She examines the photo and she knows exactly who it is.

Her hair was long, wavy and a very dark brown. The smile across her face looks forced and broken almost begging for help. Her hazel eyes are filled with sadness and pain.

"No." Elizabeth says truthfully. "I don't know who that is." And what she said was partially true because the broken woman in the picture is different now. Her hair wasn't as long and way brighter along with her smile and eyes. She was strong and happy, but most importantly, she was safe.

Chase tightens his fist at his sides becoming irritated. "Are you sure, ma'am?" He asks again trying to refrain from yelling or letting his composure fall through just the tiniest bit. He knows she's the one who helped Montana escape. But how and to where is what he didn't know.

"I'm sorry, sir." Elizabeth says pushing her glasses up on her head and shaking her head.
Chase eyes her down and tries to make her feel small and weak under his glare but she stands her ground and smiles.

"Well if you see her, please, contact the police. She's a very spontaneous person. Does the craziest thing for no reason." He says almost challenging her, trying to get her to slip up and give away something.

"That's a shame." She sighs and moves back to shut her door. "You have a nice day now." She finishes with shutting the door and locking the door loudly. Chase finally lets his composure fall and angrily rips his fingers through his hair. He storms off the front porch of the small, white house and hops into his black mustang that was decked out with descent lights. He slams his hands in the steering wheel causing the horn to shortly beep. Reaching over to lap top that sits on its stand he quickly types in the information of Elizabeth Andrews and sees many articles pop up.

"You lying, old bitch." He sneered. Chase had found something and he knew he had work to do.


Montana's POV

I slowly open my eyes and groan as a headache sets in. I roll over on my stomach and I feel pressure tighten around my waist. I softly smile and the thought of Daryl beside me and I open my eyes to see him sleeping beside me with a small frown on his face due to the fact of my moving around. After we had gotten home I thought Daryl would go home but he was so sleepy and cranky I just let him crash here. I was too tired to argue with him also.

I run my fingers through his hair and down his cheek to the stubble that lined his jaw. The frown had melted away and was replaced with the smallest smile. I can feel my back stiffening so I try my best to lift off the mattress so I can straighten it out. As soon as I lift off the bed just the slightest bit, Daryl's arms wrap fully around me and pull down so that our chests are touching and squeezes me tightly causing my back to pop.

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