Chapter 16|Big Boy

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Alexa pushed herself through the party's crowd. She was supposed to be there with Quinn, but Quinn cancelled at the very last minute because she was going to hook up with a boy.

Alexa had met Quinn a few weeks ago in college. They quickly became friends.

Alexa was wearing a playboy bunny outfit. Nothing else was better than the original bunny outfit Regina George wore, but then in black.

Alexa bumped into someone. "Sorry," she muttered quickly without looking up. "It's okay," Mindy said as she looked quickly at Alexa. Mindy frowned and looked back. Was that Alexa?

"Oh my god, oh my god," Mindy said shocked when she saw that it was indeed Alexa. "What is it?" asked Anika to her girlfriend.

"That's my best friend," Mindy muttered as she stared at Alexa. "Is that the-?" asked Anika but Mindy cut her off. "Yeah, the ex serial killer in Woodsboro. I need to warn my brother," Mindy said as she quickly walked away from Anika.

Mindy searched for her brother while Chad stood dancing with Ethan somewhere in a corner. "Cheers to the dynamic duo of the Hortense Towers, third floor, room 315," Chad said proudly as he held up his shot. Ethan smiled and the two cheered.

"What do you think of her?" asked Chad as he pointed to a brunette girl. "She's beautiful," Ethan muttered. "Hey, my friend here is really a snack, right?" asked Chad as the girl turned around. The girl shrugged and continued dancing.

"Not one girl wants me, it's hopeless," Ethan sighed. "Come on man, don't give up yet. You're Ethan Landry, man you're a whole meal," Chad encouraged him. "Really?" asked Ethan with a smile. "Yeah," Chad said with a wide smile.

"Chad!" yelled Mindy. "What, Mindy?" asked Chad irritated. "You want to see this," Mindy said to her twin brother. "If it's another new horror movie, not interested," Chad sighed. "No, you really want to see this, trust me," Mindy said dead serious.

Chad frowned, what could his sister be so serious about? Chad walked after his sister while Ethan followed the two like a dog.

"Look who's there," Mindy said with a grin as she pointed with her head. "Who?" asked Chad in confusion. "Just look!" shouted Mindy in frustration. Chad rolled his eyes and searched the crowd.

His breath caught in his throat as he saw her familiar face. "Alexa," he whispered. She looked stunning in her beautiful white black boots and her lacy outfit. "Is that THE Alexa?" asked Ethan. "Yeah, the love of his life," Mindy said when Chad couldn't answer.

Meanwhile, Alexa grabbed a drink as a strange boy stood next to her. "Hey," the boy said with a grin. "Not interested," Alexa muttered as she grabbed a beer.

"Frankie," he introduced himself. "Alexa, Alexa Freeman," Alexa introduced herself. Usually when she said that name it scared most people off.

"Oh wait, you're that crazy murder chick. Don't worry, I do like crazy girls," Frankie said with a wink. Alexa looked at him in disgust. She walked away, but Frankie grabbed her by the arm. "Hey, where are you going?"

"Should I stab you in the chest to remind you who you're grabbing, Frankie," Alexa spat his name. Frankie let her go with a scoff. Alexa snorted and walked away.

"Lexa?" sounded a familiar voice. Alexa remained still. She slowly turned around and saw Chad dressed as a Cowboy.

"Chad," Alexa said softly. Chad smiled and hugged the Freeman girl. Alexa smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"What are you doing here?" asked Chad in surprise as he let go of her. "Someone paid me free, pretty crazy," Alexa said as she frowned. "Are you okay, where is everyone?" Alexa had too many questions.

"I'm fine, everyone is here in New York," Chad told her with a chuckle. "Oh," Alexa muttered as she looked away.

"Hey, what no. We're not mad at you anymore," Chad reassured her. "What, how? I literally killed people," Alexa reminded him as Ethan still stood with Chad. Ethan raised an eyebrow.

"Let's forget about that for tonight, come on. Let's dance," Chad laughed. Alexa nodded and gave him a quick kiss on his lips, a kiss that made them both blush. "Oh yeah, totally forgot. Alexa this is Ethan. Ethan, Alexa."

"Hi, nice to meet you," Alexa said with a warm smile. "Yeah, it's nice to finally meet THE Alexa," Ethan said nervously. "Did you tell about me?" asked Alexa teasingly to Chad. "Maybe," Chad said blushing. Alexa chuckled as the two walked to the dance floor.

The two danced to 'Baby by me' by 50 Cent. Chad placed his hands on her lower back as the two danced. Alexa smiled as he kissed her jaw. It felt so good, just her and Chad.

"Hey, excuse me," a voice interrupted them. A girl wearing a pumpkin outfit smiled at the two. "I'm Anika, Mindy's girlfriend." "Oh my god, Mindy has a girlfriend?" asked Alexa with a open mouth as she shook Anika's hand. "I'm Alexa."

"Can I ask you something weird, why aren't any of your friends afraid of me?" asked Alexa as she still had one arm around Chad. "Because they heard the real story," Chad said as he pressed his lips to her neck. Alexa chuckled and continued dancing.

"Lexa?" asked Chad. "Mhm?" nodded Alexa. "Were you jealous of Liv?" asked Chad with a grin. "What, no," lied Alexa as she fixed her hair again. "I don't believe you," chuckled Chad. "Were you jealous of Wes?" asked Alexa teasingly. Chad rolled his eyes as Alexa began to laugh. She was on to him.

"I can't help but feel jealous. My best friend had the girl I want," he murmured against her neck. "Oh really?" asked Alexa as Chad lifted her up by her thighs. "Mhm," Chad said as he nodded. "Good to know," Alexa whispered in his ear.

Just as they pressed their lips together they were interrupted again. "Hey big guy, we need you," said Anika as she tapped Chad's shoulder. Chad groaned as his lips left Alexa's. He carefully set Alexa down and followed Anika to what was going on.

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