Chapter 13

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Gabriella POV.

"Get control over it. I will take you out for a run at night," mom said as she patted my back which soothed me and I got control of myself.

As I looked at that house, my eyes flickered once more, making me divert the gaze immediately.

I felt eyes on me and I looked up to find it was mom making me sigh in relief. Her gaze shifted from me and looked at the direction which I had been looking at and I felt her anxiety making me frown as I looked at the house once more but courageously.

"Let's go mom," I said, diverting her attention.

"Okay baby," she said as she held my hand then we walked forward.

As we were about to approach the car, I heard footsteps making me halt.

Looking at the three women who had accompanied us, I found that they were shaking and their eyes were full of fear, making me wonder what they were afraid of and at the same time, shaking my head in amusement.

"Hello," a voice said behind us, startling me.

Mom and I turned around and found an old man. I knew that he was a vampire because of his scent.

"Mike," Miranda said in relief as she walked forward.

"Miranda? What brings you here?" the old man asked.

"I got some new friends," Miranda answered as she pointed at us. "They are new to the town so we were just helping them find a house to live in. What are you also doing here?"

"Oh, me? I was just hunting in the forest. You know that since we live with humans, we can't drink their blood cause it will disrupt our harmony in the town," he said, making Miranda nod in agreement.

"Okay. It was a pleasure meeting you. We will get going," Miranda said.

"Wait. I think I can help you people find a house," he said when we were just about to turn around.

Hearing his words, we halted and waited for him to tell us more.

"In our neighbourhood, there are new houses which have been built recently," he said.

"Oh my. How did we forget that there is another estate other than ours?" Olivia asked loudly making me frown

"Yeah, I know. I had also heard that there are new houses which have been built recently," Hannah said.

I heard mom sighing and I knew she was glad that we won't have to be living in the mansion or at the hotel.

"Why don't we go and check them out?" mom said as she looked at her friends.

I saw them all nodding their heads in anticipation. We entered the car and drove in that direction. The old man had refused to accompany us claiming that he wishes to have a run which made me so envious of him that he didn't need to hide when running.

As I looked outside the car, I discovered that it was like we were just going around the forest.

After fifteen minutes, the car came to a stop in front of a gate. We later drove in after passing the security check.

The houses were more modern and the compound around each house was huge.

"Wow, I can't believe that our estate now falls behind this one," Hannah said, envy evident in her tone.

"I think I will relocate and buy a house here," Olivia chipped in, making me chuckle.

I wondered how Olivia can be so jovial all the time. It's like she is never worried about anything and I wished that I was just like her.

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