Chapter 3: Where've All the Good Guys Gone?

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Risha's POV

"What the hell are you wearing?"

I self-consciously smoothed out the front of my very revealing dress.

"This was the uniform I was assigned." I responded to Mika. I had the same reaction as him though when I looked in the mirror this morning. My dress was tight in places I'd rather it not be, very short and as I said, very revealing. The more I pulled it down, the more exposing it'd get at the top.

"We don't get assigned uniforms, there's just a general dress code." Mika insisted.

"Well Roger sa-"

"You mean Mr. McCreepy."

"Mr. McCreepy," I continued, "said that this was what I was to wear to work."

Before we could continue our conversation the bell rang which meant an order was ready. Mika walked over to the counter picking up the plate of food and walked out of the kitchen leaving me alone in the back. I took a deep breath. I wasn't quite clear on how everything worked here. One of the other waiters, Luke I think his name was, had given me a quick rundown on what to do but he had been talking and moving so fast all I remember was kind of a blur. I think I was supposed to wait for more customers to come in and then start taking orders. As I was thinking this all through Mr. McCreepy entered the kitchen.

"My, my, my, Risha you're here early."

"Actually my shift start-" He cut me off.

"And might I add you look absolutely ravishing."

"Uh, thanks." I muttered. I wasn't really sure how to handle his awkward compliments. Mr. McCreepy eagerly waited for another response that was more enthusiastic. I tried my best to avoid eye contact, looking at the floor, playing with my hands, anything to defeat the awkwardness of the situation. I glanced out the kitchen window for Mika, who was writing down orders for a cute couple. His tongue stuck out a little from the corner of his mouth whenever he wrote down orders, and he'd occasionally wipe away his curls that got in his eyes.

"I'm glad the uniform fits perfectly!" Mr. McCreepy smiled. I nodded in agreement, but this dress was strangling me in all the wrong places. Roger began looking me over, his smile growing wider. I felt completely violated. I needed to get out of there.

"More customers...I should go help Mika out there." I looked back out the window nervously and escaped the kitchen. I stumbled out the kitchen door and took a deep breath. Thank god that was over. I straightened my dress out and approached a sweet-looking family with two young children. They eyed my dress disapprovingly and I immediately felt insecure. This uniform was not a good idea. At all.

"Are you guys ready to order?" I faked a smile and plastered it on my face. I scribbled down whatever their sandwiches and kid's meals that they wanted on the notepad that Mika had fetched me from the storage closet.

"Okay that'll be coming right up for you." I hurried off to the kitchen to place their order. I hated the way they looked at me. I wanted to tell them that it wasn't my choice to wear this dress, that I wasn't whatever they were calling me in their minds. An elderly couple walked in and sat down. I waited a few minutes for them to look over the menu then approached them. I was greeted with the judgemental looks again. I figured I should just get used to that. I took down their orders and placed them. By then the other family's food was ready so I carefully picked up the plates. There was a lot to carry so I figured I would make two trips. I delivered their food and told them I would be right back with the rest. As I picked up the rest of the meal and began for the door I felt my foot slip, I tried to regain my balance but I clattered to the floor.

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