Chapter 5: Go Away

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Risha's POV

I heard birds singing and general traffic noises from outside my window. The sun was streaming in onto my face. I rolled over and put my pillow on top of my head. What day was it anyways? I groaned. I probably had to be to work soon but I didn't care. I just wanted to sleep and dream. I thought back to yesterday, what had happened? I had worked- wait no. Yesterday has been my day off and I'd spent it with.. with Mika? That couldn't be right. I removed the pillow from my face and began to recollect yesterday's events. Yes. I had indeed spent the day with Mika and I recall having a great time. Such a great time I'd stayed till almost midnight. I remember meeting his siblings, hearing him play the piano, laughing till my sides hurt and him walking me home. I also remember making him call me when he got home, we'd talked on the phone late into the night. I don't think we hung up until at least- oh my god. We'd never hung up! I scrambled around my bed looking for my phone. I finally found it still open, call still running under my sheets. I stared in horror at it. I SLEPT WITH MOOSE! Okay, okay, I technically didn't sleep with Moose but the call was left on all night. Oh for fucks sake what if I snored. I delicately picked up the phone and put it to my ear.

"Ummm, Hello?" There was muffled noises at the other end.

"Moose, you there?" There was suddenly a very loud noise, like the phone had been dropped, some shuffling around and then a very sleepy sounding Mika.

"Oh well good morning Reeshe's Pieces" his accent seemed even thicker while tired. I smiled at his nickname.

"Oh, am I Reeshe's Pieces now?" I asked playfully. I heard him laugh on the other end.

"I guess you are." I got up and walked to the living room, still holding the phone to my ear. There was a brief silence.

"Do you have anything to do today?" I asked.

"Nope, my schedule has been pretty uneventful lately." Moose replied.

"Yesterday was really fun...Do you think you could hang out today?"

"I'd love to, but where?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter to me, where would you like to go?"

"There's this beautiful park, Kensington Gardens, that I used to go to all the time when I was younger. I'm sure you'd like it. How about that?" I remember walking by that park a few times and it wasn't too far from my flat. We agreed to meet up in an hour.


I had only an hour to get ready and take the tube to the park I've been going to since I was a small child. I had to choose a decent outfit to wear. I threw open my closet and sorted through everything I owned. I dug out my orange skinny jeans and slipped on a plain white shirt. I came out of the closet and clipped on yellow suspenders, stacked a few bracelets on my arm, and finished with toys I strung on a necklace. I looked at myself in the mirror and felt satisfied. Well with my outfit at least. When I studied my face my heart dropped a little. It was such a depressing thing to look in the mirror and see my face. I had such an odd face and there was nothing short of plastic surgery I could do to change it. I glared at the mirror for a bit then finally turned around. I needed something sparkly. I rummaged through my drawers until I found my collection of confetti and tinsel. I grabbed a small portion and ruffled them through my curls. Perfect. I checked the time. The tube took a bit to get to the park so I probably should hurry. I grabbed my wallet and stuffed it into my pocket as I ran out the door. As soon as I stepped outside I felt something cold and wet. I looked down to realize I was standing barefoot in a puddle. Oh fuck! Shoes! I dashed back inside and pulled on a pair of my favorite red high tops and then was finally on my way for real this time. I caught the train just as it was leaving and got into a very packed car. Right away I got some weird looks from people but I didn't care. By the time I made it to the park I remembered I hadn't told Risha where in the park to meet. Oh great. It was a pretty enormous park and I probably wouldn't find her for awhile. Just as I was thinking this I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and found myself face to face with Risha. I grinned.

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