Chapter 10:sleepover🦄💤

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Tw: mentions of nsfw(not of minors)
And a hint of ED

Julia sits on the kitchen counter next to the microwave waiting for the popcorn to finish.
"Hey Julia," Bowie says popping out of his room "I know I don't say this a lot.. but.. thank you."
Julia looks up at her phone, "for what..?"
"For letting Raj, Wayne, Me and Emma have a sleepover? Please don't tell me you forgot!" Bowie says
"No Bowie I didn't forget I just didn't care and news flash still don't." The microwave beeps "while y'all are in there being gay or something I'm gonna have my own sleepover." Julia says pulling the bag out the microwave.
"Julia it's not a sleepover if it's just your sad lonely self" Bowie smirks
Julia glares at Bowie, "Even though its none of your business, I'd happen to let you know MK is coming over."
"Yeah I hate her short ass but I also hate everyone else" Julia dumps the popcorn into a large bowl and picks it up.
"Fair.. Just make sure she doesn't steal from me, that goes for you too."
Julia doesn't respond, she walks back to her side of the dormitory.
Bowie walks into the living room to finish setting up everything

Julia shuts her door and picks up her fucking ugly dog(I'm so fr its mad crusty) and holds it tight, "buttercup, why are you so ugly" The dog whines and Julia puts him down.
Suddenly Julia hears groans coming from Her window. It's MK.
"HEYY JULIA!!" MK throws herself through the window
Julia, out of panic, runs and catches MK
MK smirks at Julia, "you goin soft on me Jules?"
A slight blush appears on Julia's face, "In your dreams Mary" Julia smirks back putting her down.
Julia takes this time to look at MK.. "MK what the fuck are you wearing."
Mk Looks down confused pulling on her attire, "what do you mean..?"
"MK your in a My Little Pony onesie."
"First of all get your facts straight, it's Rainbow Dash.", MK sticks her finger up proudly(🤓☝️) "it's not my fault I thought this was a fun sleepover"
"A fun sleepover to you is watching a pony show while dressing up as them?"
"Well I wouldn't know, this is my first sleepover dude."
Julia's jaw drops, "WHAT? YOUVE NEVER HAD THE SLEEPOVER EXPERIENCE?"(neither neither has she)
Julia grabs Mk by the shoulders, "MK. this is gonna be the night of your life."
Bowie had just got done setting up the snacks in the living room when he heard a knock on the door.
"HII!" Wayne said one arm hung around Rajs
shoulder other holding a hockey bag.
Bowie let's out a welcoming smile not his usual mischievous grin and makes eye contact with Raj which makes him blush.
"Welcome boys!" Bowie says leading them in to the living room, The hockey players look around in awe, even though they they live in a dorm that looks exactly like this..
"You guys can get comfortable I'm gonna check on the food" Bowie shoots them a smile and walks to the kitchen.
The hockey bros sit down on the couch, Raj grabs the remote, "Hey Bowie do you mind what we put something on?" Raj yells
Bowie turns around holding a big bowl of buttery popcorn spilling on his Taylor Swift era-tour shirt, "No I don't mind!!" Bowie yells back not really paying attention
The Hockey bros excitedly put on a hockey game trying to contain there yells cause there respectful.
Bowie walks over and glances at the TV while setting down the popcorn on the table.
Bowie enjoys sports! In fact he's his teams number 1 basket ball player, he just wishes he knew more about hockey so he could get closer to Raj.

A few minutes later emma arrives, she sits down and immediately she's the life of the party, such a fun person❤️!!

"NO GET IT AWAY FROM ME." MK screams while being held in place.
Julia yanks MKs Hand closer and starts painting her nails.
"Julessss it's so cooold, and weeeet, and girlllly!" MK whines
"Quit being a baby Mary, you'll be fine." Julia finishes the last nail on MKs long finger.
MK pulls it closer to see if it's done to her liking.
She examines her freshly painted new black nails.
"They pretty Ems, they draw attention away from ur crusty chewed on fingers!" Julia says playfully
"Yeah yeah" MK counters she stands up and walks to the bed, she plops her body down on the fitted white sheet.
Julia walks over, "uhm ur not sleeping in my bed you hoe" Julia rolls her purple eyes smiling.
"I'm the guest, so I think you can sleep on the floor princess, Julia." MK says
"Yeah, I'm not doing that."
Before MK can counter that Emma pops in
"Hey Julia do you have any ext-" Emma stands there watching Julia hover over The half laying down MK.
Julia turns her head "No." in a cold tone.
"Woah, I didn't know y'all were.. friends?"
MK hops up pushing Julia out the way in the process, "you bet we are! Now real question..Where's the food." MK walks out the room for the first time leaving Emma and Julia alone.
Julia walks up to Emma and points a finger to her throat "Never.Speak.Of.This.Again."
Emma gives back a nasty look in reply. Not that Julia would care.
MK Walks out in the living room and sits on the floor chewing away on the popcorn not noticing all the eyes on her.
"MK WHEN DID YOU GET HERE!?" Bowie says jumping up
"Uhh maybe uhh *munch* 3 hours uhhgoo"
"MK come on, I'll make us our own popcorn." Julia says arms crossed, clearly not wanting to be here.

Raj sees this as a opportunity to engage with more people!

"What if we all hung out!" Raj says,he wraps his arms around Wayne and Bowie

Bowie blushes and obviously he agrees, "yeah, we could like read fanfics and talk shit!"

"Sounds right up my ally" MK stands up smirking

3:40 am

Loud laughter echoes through the dorm, besides Julia. Julia smiles once or twice but it seems as if she's not interested or in her own world.

"She moans as he *snort* bites her neck!" Bowie reads while holding in laughter

Emma Is fully invested, but MK pulls her head away to lean back. She turns her head to Julia who's doing surprisingly well tuning out the laughter and the disgust of the hockey bros. While staring MK notices Julia holding her stomach.
"You hungry?" MK asks
"Hm?" Julia turns her head
MK gets a handful of popcorn and throws it at Julias face.
MK let's out a belly laugh
It retaliation, Julia herself gets a handful and throws it at MKs face.
"HEY THATS NO FAIR! THAT LANDED IN MY MOUTH!" MK says still laughing but this time Julia laughs along
"Ok fattie it's not that you care" Julia says wiping a tear away
MK laughs at the "insult" "oh ur so canceled for that one"
Julia scoots closer and pulls out her phone to take a quick pic. MK Flips Off the screen
"Omg ur so ugly" Julia jokes
"Not as ugly as You" MK Stands up
She looks around and sees Bowie and Emma passed out on the rug while the hockey guys are snuggled up on the couch.

"Need help?" MK rests her hand out to help Julia up.
Julia looks up and goes to grab the short girls hand
MK pulls her hand away and giggles.
"God ur cringe" Julia smiles while getting up
They walk to Julia's room.

"JULIA CAN I PLEASE SLEEP IN UR ROOM" mk pleads in a tired raspy voice.
After a while of MK asking Julia gives in— not cause she's nice, cause she's tired. "Fine."
MK Hops in the bed and pats the spot next to her jokingly.
Julia's to tired to argue. She lays down and pulls the blanket up.
MK immediately falls asleep, MK kicks her leg out hitting Juliastraight in the face
Julia's eyes open and she lets a out a mumble "even in ur sleep ur annoying." She pushes MKs leg aside.
Julia stares at MK but soon she falls asleep along side the ravenette.

ERM HAPPY PRIDE X3!! I love u all sm and I'm sorry I was gone I had to focus on school work😕 anyways lmk any predictions you have for the next chapter:3

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