Chapter 23 - Finale

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Do you know what it's like to die? Some people say it's peaceful, others have their lives flash before their eyes. But have you ever wondered what it would be like after death? Where would you go? What would other people think? It will forever be a mystery until we experience it. But this is a world of fantasy, anything can happen. From a dragon soaring across the sky to an alien clinging to life.

This is the finale.

This is where everything ends.


Medz's POV

Medz slowly gained consciousness, feeling only one thing in his body. Pain. Everything was in pain. It felt like every bone in his body had been shattered, and it felt like he was going to bleed out. He heard the ringing in his ears, deafening everything around him. He thought he was dead, yet he wasn't.
Medz couldn't move, his body in too much pain to even get up, with the stone and broken body, only made things worse. He just wanted to close his eyes and wake up okay. Where he woke up and everyone was there, happy and healthy. Where everything was finally okay. But now, he was going to die. He was going to bleed out or even suffocate to death. He wasn't even able to see everyone happy. At least Medz would be able to die a hero...
He closed his eyes, letting the void surround him.


He then heard something over the deafening ringing in his ears. Someone moving away stone. Medz felt a slight feeling of hope, opening his eyes again. He felt as hands grabbed his shoulders, dragging him out of the stone bricks that nearly suffocated him. Medz looked up to see Joocie, his hands moving to grab his arms for a firmer grasp. As soon as he had arisen, he took a gasp for air, then suddenly coughed it out as he breathed in debris. "Woah, woah. Calm down, okay?" Joocie warned, his grip slightly tightening on Medz's arms. Joocie noticed it and loosened his grip again. "Wh- what happened?" Medz choked, coughing out a bit more debris as he tried taking deep breaths. "The stone bricks from the tower landed on you while saving me. I had to return the favor." He detailed, helping Medz get up as his legs failed on him and as blood trickled down his stomach.
"Thanks, Juice, for saving me." He noted, trying to move his legs as they limped onto the ground like a dead body. He thought about what would happen if Joocie didn't save him. He would've died, either bleed out or suffocate. That thought sent a shiver down his spine as the thought of him dying haunted his head. The awkward silence was everywhere, the only thing breaking the silence was the footsteps on the ground. "I thought I lost ya, you know," Joocie mentioned, attempting to break the silence. "Really?" Medz asked, looking from the ground to Joocie. "Thought you'd be glad to see me dead." He added. "What? No! People make mistakes." Joocie reacted, looking back at him with a surprised look. Medz had to agree, but how everyone reacted to how he betrayed them, he didn't see himself as someone worthy of being redeemed.
Medz's thought was interrupted as he was suddenly grabbed by Woolftser, the possessed wolf's arm wrapping around his neck to keep him from leaving. Won't these fuckers leave us alone? He thought, struggling to get out of his grasp. Joocie was kicked to the ground as Laff showed up, grabbing his gun. The robot let out a maniac laugh, pointing his gun at Medz's head. "For so long I've wanted to shoot a bullet through your head," Laff admitted, his voice slightly glitchy. "Now I can. You will finally die." As soon as Laff said that, Medz felt the familiar feeling of his heart dropping to his stomach. He felt a small feeling of defeat as Woolfster held him. "Pop goes the weasel." He sang, his voice matching the old tune 'Pop Goes the Weasel', which made everything slightly more unnerving. Medz closed his eyes, ready for the pain of the bullet hitting his head, quickly killing him.
Medz heard a sudden yelp of pain as he was suddenly dropped. He looked up to see Joocie stabbing a pocket knife into Laff's neck. The pocket knife stabbed into his neck, instead of bouncing off. "AGH, WHAT IS WITH Y'ALL AND POCKET KNIVES?!" Laff yelled, pulling the knife out of his neck and tackling Joocie. As Woolfster tried to help Laff, Medz jumped on him and held him down as he thrashed left and right like a wild animal. Medz watched as the two British men wrestled, rolling around the ground. He noticed as Joocie suddenly grabbed Laff's gun, pointing it at his forehead. Medz stared in shock as...


Laff, with a bullet shot through his forehead, stared at Joocie with terror in his eyes. He stumbled to get up, putting a hand on his forehead as it bled. He looked at Medz, his eyes now locked on the alien. "You will regret the day you were born." He warned, his voice menacing as he slowly collapsed.
He was finally dead.

Medz and Joocie looked at Laff's dead body in shock, waiting for him to get up and kill them any moment. But it didn't happen. He was really dead. They won the war. "Did- did you- h- WHAT?!" Medz stuttered, still surprised to see their enemy dead on the ground. "I- I don't know! I- I grabbed his gun and I panicked." Joocie faltered, his hands shakily holding the gun. Medz was able to get up, stumbling a bit as he helped Joocie. The both of them looked as Woolfster, who had laid on the floor, slowly woke up. He didn't look feral, but he looked confused. "W-what happened?" The confused wolf asked, getting up as he looked around. "It's a long story." Joocie clarified, helping him a bit. "What are we gonna tell Tbh?" Medz asked, looking down at the dead body of Laff. Seeing it sent a shiver down his spine, stepping away from the corpse. "Well, we won. We can start from there." Joocie said, a small smile forming on his face. Medz smiled back, feeling happy as he was finally free.


Tbh's POV

Tbh regret leaving Medz and Joocie on their own. Now they were possibly dead and it was all his fault. The tower collapsed and there was no sign of them. Tbh was holding an unconscious Blaza as everyone looked ahead of them in worry. Nobody talked, just silence. The wind brushed through his hair as dust and debris flew around them. A tear fell down his face, the feeling of defeat washing over him as another minute with no sign of them passing by.
"Tbh.." Socks said, his voice indicating that he thought they were dead, but his sentence was interrupted by footsteps. Tbh looked ahead to see who it was, and it was the people he hoped. Joocie, Medz, and Woolftser. Medz looked weak, with blood trickling down his stomach and shoulder. Joocie had a few extra cracks, and Woolftser just looked confused. "Heh.. I told you I'd come back in one piece." Medz choked, letting out a wheezed chuckle. Tbh ran over to hug all three of them, tears already streaming down his face. "We did it," Joocie declared, "We won the war."
Tbh smiled brightly, knowing he was finally free from the torture. They won the war, now they were finally in peace. "Thank you, guys, for everything," Tbh said as he choked away tears. "Thank you." Medz corrected, wrapping his arms around the three. It was done. Everything was over. The war is over.
Tbh wiped his tears, looking at the rest of the gang. "Well, guys," He started, standing tall, "I think it's time for a celebration."


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