16. just lust 🔞💔

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Jungkook and kids are having dinner while rina and guk are pouting sadly

Jk: what happened kids , why are both looking sad today

Rina: is mama is angry with us dad

Guk: he is behaving weird today

Jk: mama and angry impossible, he can never get angry with us

Even if you go and kill him , he will say why you stain your shirt (say it as joke)

He think tae's purity ,care and all are just a joke for them  , this how they react when he shower them with love and affection

They think he is just typical Indian mom who don't know anything but cooking and house works

Rina: but then also if he is angry on us then what will we do

Jk: I think by he will be okay or just say sorry once he will forgive you

Rina and guk: okay dad

Actually yunguk and rina are like this because of their dad

This is how jungkook treat their mom always say he is good for nothing but cooking

And comparing him with mina most of the time so they also think

Mina the bussiness women in hindi is the best girl in the world and their mom is nothing

After sometime

Kids did slept in bed and jungkook had some work he start doing his work in laptop

His mind is fill with tae , his waist , his hips , juciy lips everything he want it now

Jk: I should take a nap now

He yawn and fall a sleep in couch

Tae come home he saw jungkook is sleeping in the couch

He smiled a little and go to the kitchen, he opened up the fridge

And drink some water he put bottle on his place again but

He felt someone's rough hands on his belly , encircle his bellybutton

Tae flinched when he touch him , he normally smiled when jungkook touch him but not this time

Jk: where were you tae , I was missing you

He didn't reply, jungkook get close to him and kissed his back neck

Jk: come on let's go to bed

He grab his hands and about to take him with him to their bedroom

But tae stopped there and didn't go with jungkook

Jk: what happened let's go (confused) or should I carry you this time

He smirk and about to carry tae but he hesitate

Tae: I don't want to do it (emotionless)

Jk: ahhhhhh you are always like this

Saying this jungkook went away form there leaving tae alone

Tae is acting emotionless and cold but jungkook is not regretting anything

He is hurting him more with his this behavior

Tae: you could have left me if I didn't had s** with you , all you think is having s** after whole day

Jungkook didn't even ask if he is tired but nooo

Do you think jungkook really love tae or he just want someone for his kids

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Hope you all like this chapter

Love you all

Bye 👋

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