Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep! I groaned and rolled over turning off my alarm. "Honey are you up?" I heard my mom call from the kitchen. "Ya." I replied. I stood up and grabbed my phone and hooked it up to my speaker. Emergency by paramore. After I got some clothes, I grabbed my phone and I headed for the bathroom. I hooked up my phone to the speaker and stripped down. That's what you get by paramore. I turned on the shower and hopped in. I started singing. Again. Then the song changed. Little talks by of monsters and men. After the song was over I got out now it was a different song. Sparks by Hilary Duff.when I was dressed, my hair brushed, teeth brushed, and a little bit of mascara on I grabbed all of my stuff and walked back to my room. I grabbed my bag and put my phone in the back pocket of my shorts and plugged my headphones in and out on some music. Stitches by Shawn Mendes.
I started dancing downstairs forgetting that my mom, dad, and my brother were down stairs. I started singing as well as dancing when I was downstairs. After singing and dancing as I made breakfast, I looked up and saw everyone staring and laughing. I ripped my headphones out and I could feel my face turning red. "Ha, ha nice dancing sis." Said Jeff my older brother. "Shut up." I said with a smile. "Ok, Kit-Kat lets go, we're going to be late." Said Jeff still laughing. I rolled my eyes and walked out to his mustang. I got in the front seat and he hooked up his phone. 1980 by Rehab. Jeff has called me Kit-Kat for as long as I can remember. Even though my name was Kat. I was happy to be able to drive soon, then I won't have to listen to this shit. I unplugged his phone and plugged mine in. Talking body by tove lo. He rolled his eyes and kept driving. Even though Jeff was only a year older than my he treated me like I was two, but I'm 15. When we got to school Jeff handed me my schedule. Today was my first day at this school, I moved here from Texas, San Francisco, California was a long way from Texas. Being from Texas and all I had a western accent, same with Jeff. "Ok, Kit-Kat text me if you need me, you know I'll ruff up anyone that touches my sister." He said pretending to punch.
"Your such a boy."I said rolling my eyes. "I know, but text me if you need anything, ok?" "Ok." I said with a smile and walked to my first class. When the bell rang it was like a stampede, but I made it to class alive. I sat down and waited for the teachers instructions. "Good morning class, we have a new student in our class today, Kate Henderson." "It's pronounced Cat." I said in a very kind voice. Everyone looked at me. Most of the guys check me out and wiggled there eyebrows, and most of the girls gave me dirty looks. I just rolled my eyes and sat down. When the bell rang for lunch I sat alone until some guy came up to me. "Hey baby." He said checking me out. I rolled my eyes and walked away and sat at another table. He followed me. "What's wrong? Don't like having a little bit of fun?" He said and licked his lips. "Just leave me alone, ok?" "Or what?" he said raising his eyebrow. I got up and threw my lunch away and walked to the bathroom. I could hear him following me. I rolled my eyes and turned around right at the bathroom door. "Leave me alone!" I said to him. I turned to walk in to the bathroom then he grabbed my arm. I slapped him and walked in to the bathroom. "Ha ha ha nice." I heard from me behind me. "Hi, I'm Kaylie." She said in a cheerful voice. "Ha thanks, Kat." "Nice to meet you, wait what's your last name?" She asked. "Henderson." "Oh your Jeff's sister, right?" She asked. "Ha ya, let me guess he already has every girl in your classes numbers?" "Ha ha ha ya but one." She said her face going red. "Ha ha ha ya he was said to be a "hot guy"." I laughed. "Hey, Kaylie do you know who that guy I slapped was?" I asked. "Ya, Kaylbe." He replied. "Well I think he's gone, come on I'll buy you lunch." Said Kaylie. When Kaylie walked out we could see Kaylbe with a red hand pint on his face. "Holey shit, I did that?!" I asked in surprise. "Ha ha I guess so." Said Kaylie with a laugh. "Oh look there's my brother." I said with a smile. We walked over and the second Jeff saw us he checked Kaylie out, and I laughed Jeff looked up at me in surprise. Obviously he didn't see that I saw him check out Kaylie. Then his face went red. "Hey." I said with a smile. "Hi." He said. "How many numbers did u get?" I asked with a laugh. Before he could answer Kaylbe was behind me. "Hey, dude be careful, look was she did to me!" He said pointing to his face. Then Jeff gave me a look. I shrugged. "One second." Jeff said and pulled me away from them. "What the fuck Kit-Kat?!" He asked. "He touched me." I said. "How?!" He asked. He grabbed my arm when I was walking away from him." I said. "Ok." We walked back over to them. "Don't ever touch my sister again!" He growled at Kaylbe. "Uh..uh..oh.. Ok." Kaylbe said in a shaky voice. I don't blame him my brother is a big guy, and all muscle. RING!!!! "Ok bye Kit-Kat." He said as he walked away. "So what class do u have now?" I asked Kaylie. "I have art!" She said excitedly. "Hey same, let's go!" Luckily they have a warning bell. As we walked through the halls I saw a whole bunch of people from nerds to jocks. But when we got to the art room there was this guy that caught my eye. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes. He was a little bit taller than Jeff , but they looked like they were in the same grade. He had a hat on backwards and he was wearing a t-shirt. He had a pair of shorts and had a lot of girls around him. He had more muscle than Jeff. He looked at me and we made eye contact and I looked away. When the bell rang all of the girls left and we headed into the class room. "The guy" was in the same class I sat next to Kaylie, then "the guy" sat beside me. "Who is he?" I whispered to Kaylie. "That's Noah." She whispered back. "Oh" I whispered. "Ya, a lot girls swarm around him like bees but he's never gone out with any of them." "Why?" I asked. "No one knows." She shrugged. "Good morning class how was everyone's summer?" The teacher asked in a cheerful voice. Then she looked down at her paper. "Ok, class today we have a new student in our class, everyone give a big welcome to, Kate Henderson." "Um its Cat." I said. "Oh my bad my dear, everyone give a warm welcome to Kat Henderson." Everyone clapped. Then I sat down. "Ok class today, today we are starting a big art project, and I'll pick the groups." "It will be groups of two." "Ok, one second just let me find a pen and paper so I can put Kats name in the hat." She said as she searched for a piece of paper. "I hope we got in a group together." Kaylie whispered to me. "Ya that would rock." "Ok class the groups are Kaylie and Malcolm." Kaylie smiled. "Who's that?" I asked Kaylie. "That's my boyfriend." She whispered back. "Oh." I said nodding my head. Next group, is Lisa and Jake." "Next group is Sarah and Misty." I was waiting for her to call my name. "Next group is Noah and....." Oh no! "Kat." We both looked at each other. "Ok class your assignment is to make a model of the school, make sure it is fairly big. This will be due in two weeks." RING!!!! "Ok, well it looks like you won't have any class time to work on it today." "Your dismissed." "Oh my god I can't believe you got Noah." She laughed. "Well he better be a hard worker because I am not going to do all the work." "No, no, no that's not the point, she never lets any girls work in a group with him because she know that the girls won't work, but I guess she thinks you will." "Ok well I better get going talk to you tomorrow." I said. "Wait, what's your number?" Asked Kaylie. "Give me your phone." I said. She gave me her phone and she took mine. "There." I said giving her her phone as she gave me mine. "Ok I got to go Jeff is waiting." "Bye I'll text you when I get home." I herd Kaylie call. "Ok, bye." "Where have you been?" Asked Jeff. "I was saying bye to Kaylie." "Ok let's go." Said Jeff.

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