Chapter 26: Kings

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Mel's high-heeled sandals clicked and clacked as she strode down the hallway toward the Hextech laboratories. She did not know today was the day the boys were escaping from Piltover, but if she was a wagering woman, she'd have put a hefty sum on this date in particular.

Pulling out her keyring, she paused before opening the door. On a hunch, she knocked.

"Jayce? Viktor? I've brought a bite of lunch with me, can I come in?"

The clatter of dropped tools and Viktor's bitten-off curses brought a smile to Mel's lips, and she eyed the grease-stained paper bag in her off-hand. She hoped it would be enough of a peace offering to pay off whatever that minor slip-up she just heard.

Heavy, though not clumsy, footsteps crept closer and closer to the door, and Mel could picture in her mind's eye the slightly dumb but very cute face Jayce was undoubtedly making as he struggled to find his words.

"Uhh, what's the password?"

Mel snorted with amusement. Those were not the words she had been expecting.

"Oh for pity's sake, just let her in Jayce!"

The door slowly swung open, and Jayce stood there, eyeing the hallway with an air of great suspicion. "Mel, what are you doing here?!"

"Saying goodbye, based on your behavior," she snarked, striding past him into the workspace. "Giving all of your assistants the afternoon off, while doubtlessly necessary so you're not interrupted, was ever so slightly suspicious."

Jayce slapped one hand over his face, "Well bullocks. Do you think anyone else has caught on?"

Mel shrugged, and waved at the unfinished project, "Maybe, but perhaps you should finish whatever it is you've created before you find out for sure."

Viktor stood by the aforementioned 'whatever', a large ringed contraption, runes etched into the steel body while smaller spokes and tangents enshrouded the mansized aperture.

"Good day Councilwoman Medarda, we were just working on my convenient excuse."

Mel set down the bag of burgers and fries, and gave Viktor a look while Jayce closed and locked the door again, "Pardon me, but did you just call that device 'my convenient excuse'?"

Viktor nodded, and waved one dark metal gauntlet at the Hextech-powered ring, "I think it's a rather amusing name, Jayce disagrees."

Looking over to her paramour, Mel shrugged, "Viktor's not wrong you know, it is a bit amusing. Not very clear as to what it may be though."

Jayce shrugged, picking up another curled metal spoke covered in runes and began to bolt it in place, "If you come with us, I'd be happy to explain it."

Shaking her head, Mel moved over to the window, out over the city.

"I told you Jayce, I'm needed here. I have a few cards left to play, and Salo should be easy enough to bully into my corner." She looked over one shoulder, and favored Jayce with a small, sad smile, "I am, at the end of the day, a politician. It may be all I can do, but I hope history will smile on my efforts."

Jayce nodded, "I... I understand."

"Cover your eyes, please," Victor called out, lowering a dark faceplate of rune etched metal, as a skeletal limb mounted on one pauldron unfurled itself, a bead of caged energy roiling away at the base of its three manipulator digits.

Mel and Jayce turned away, but it was easy enough to see the brilliant flash of ice blue light casting shadows across the room. When the light faded, Mel looked back at the apature, and saw another segment welded into place.

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