02|I'm no party girl

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  I'm trying to get ready for Noah's party but it's not going well. I don't know what to wear because I want to look good and not be too much at the same time.

  It's too fucking complicated being a girl sometimes
I finally decide that the safest option is a total black outfit. So I go with a mini black dress, black knee high boots and put my hair up because I didn't have time to wash it after the game.
 I finally feel good with my self sο it's time to stop being a coward and go to the party.
The moment me and Jackson step into the house I'm met with the familiar smell of alcohol and cigarette. I'm not a particular fan of any of the two but a beer could help me right now. I have to distract myself somehow so I go and grab a drink.

  I step into the kitchen and see the girls from the cheerleading team and I'm actually relieved. ''Ava you came! We all hoped you would" Alex said looking excited that I was there so I decided to make an effort too because it would be nice to make some new girl friends.

  ''Yeah, I was also hoping you would be here honestly so I don't end up alone if this turns out being a disaster" I laughed nervously.

   ''Why would it be a disaster? We're here to have fun and that's what we're gonna do" Alex said and I agreed not wanting to explain the situation further. 

  And that's exactly what we did for the next two hours. We drank a lot, we danced and had fun.
  After some time I started feeling lightheaded and went outside to get some air. I have honestly forgotten about Noah until he came out the and stood next to me.

 ''Ava, hey! Are you okay? You seem...'' he tried to find a way to politely say it. 

  ''I look like shit I know" I laughed looking at him. My hair was all messed up as well as my makeup, I have lost my jacket somewhere inside the house, and I was also feeling sick which definitely didn't help. 

''That's not was I was going to say but you know. You just seem sick do you want anything?".

  'Oh no don't worry about it but, thanks Noah. Turns out I'm not the biggest party person. I can't handle myself when I drink and it's kinda obvious right now". 

  ''Ok" he laughs, helping me sit down on a bench as he did so too.
We sat there in silence for a while before he speaked up. 

 ''I really missed this'' He whispered still not looking at me.  ''Missed what?" I asked, genuinely confused at the moment. 

 ''Hanging out with you. And being comfortable enough to just, do nothing'' I looked up at him not believing he said what I've been thinking for months now.

  '' I did too. It's nice. We're not even that close and I just feel so calm around you. Only with you tho". That was in fact the alcohol in me speaking because I would never be so open about this.

 ''Ava'' he says after a moment to catch my attention. ''Do you think you could forgive me? For ignoring you this year? I really regret it and I promise I'll explain everything to you sometime, but now I just want to know that you don't hate me" I look into his eyes and I realize I can't stay mad at him forever. 

 ''Of course I don't hate you Noah. I never did. I'm just confused because I don't understand if it was somehow my fault that you disappeared" He is about to say something but I don't let him. ''You never talked to me, not even a "hello" when you would come home to hang out with Jackson. You couldn't even look at me for gods sake" I say and he just looks at me surprised I am this mad over it. 

  ''I didn't think you would be so upset. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Ava". I don't know what to say because this whole interaction is weird for me too. 

  ''I understand that you probably never considered me your friend, but doing the bare minimum my being nice isn't that hard. I'm not asking for anything more than that because I know it won't happen ". I look away too embarassed to face him.

  ''Ava look, I understand that theres no excuse for acting like that but I can assure you there was a reason. Now, I understand that I was being immature about the whole situation and walking away of my problems is never the solution. I'm just hoping we could go back to the way we were and probably be even more than what we were" he notices the confusion in my face and explains.

 ''Your brother told me that you're fighting with Hailey and Sarah and I really don't like the idea of you being or feeling alone". He seems nervous waiting for my response. 

  ''I want to get close to you again and you know it, but if you're doing it beacuse you feel sorry for me for loosing my friends, no thank you". I repeat my words and realise I was probably a litlle harsh. He sudenly turns around and takes my hand in his. ''No no no that's not what I meant. You made it sound really bad. I'm just saying that your brother telling me about this was one more reason to come up and talk to you after months, on a random Saturday". He says actually scared and I just laugh.

  ''Why are you laughing with me?" He gigles a bit. 

  ''You looked terrified for a moment, it was kinda cute". I say with a giggle looking at him. He blushes and pulls his hands away turning to look on the road. ''Oh don't be embarased it was sweet" I say still laughing at him and I turn around too. 

 ''Okay I think that's enough making of me for today" he says looking relaxed again. 

  ''I think it was needed. The conversation was getting depressing anyways" I say and after a moment of silence i look at him and we both start laughing the moment we make eye contact. ''Yes, you're probably right". He says still trying to calm down. ''I know. I'm always right" I joke.
A minute passes by and I speak again. 

  ''Can you promise me that we'll be real friends this time? No bullshit Ok?" I ask him full of hope. ''I promise" he says with a soft voice I haven't heard in a while now. He goes in for a hug and of course I do the same.

  Hugs were our thing when we were young too. Even if he kept telling everyone that he hated physical touch.

  Thats how the night passed. Me and Noah chiling around, talking nonsense and it was the best night I've had in a very long time.
  Going back home I started thinkig about the party.
I still don't understand what made Noah come up to me today but I don't really care. I'm just happy that he did.

  I really want this to work because I've missed him like crazy. Spending time with him today felt so nostalgic, calm, relaxing. Like I don't have to try and change myself while being around him. It feels like I could tell him anything and he would never jugde me.

  I tought that all this time of not talking to eachother would take away any connection and comfort I used to feel with him, but I was wrong. It felt like last year never happened. Like it was a usual afternoon on 8th grade and we were just talking after school. Nothing awkard about it. And I must say I'm relieved. The idea of speaking to him again was terryfying me thinking that I wouldn't know what to say. Unfortunately that wasn't the case at all. Speaking with him is just easy. I don't have to worry about anything when I'm with him or think too much. It felt like a break from all the crazyness in my life at the moment.

  I'm not sure about how this is going to evolve but I'm eager to discover it.

  I'm not sure about how this is  going to evolve but I'm eager to discover it

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~Hi everyone! I just saw that I have 46 reads in two days and I got excited. It's not too much I know, I just didn't expect it. Anyway, thank you everyone and I hope you enjoyed this chapter too 💞.
Love, Emma xx.

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