Ready For Everything

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-The next day was a very off day, the air was a bit chilly and the sun was hidden behind some clouds in the sky and Miles was late to school because he wanted to get breakfast from a local donut shop in town, the place sells the best pastries that sells in no time-

Jacob: -He was sitting in class taking notes and listening to music as he notices Miles and sighs and continues taking his notes for the upcoming exams-

Miles: "I am so sorry for being late Mrs. Jackson, I woke up late and stopped for breakfast since I missed the school breakfast." -He quickly sits down next to Jacob in class with his food-

Mrs. Jackson: "I will let it slide this time but if it happens again you will get detention Miles, now get your textbook out and Jacob will tell you what we are currently doing, oh and we need to talk after class." -She goes back to typing on her computer while glancing at Miles every once in awhile-

Jacob: -He stops writing and looks at Miles- "Well, before I help you, your ex and baby momma is coming back to school because her family doesn't want her doing virtual anymore, and from what I heard she is gonna be in this class with us."

Miles: -He sighs- "Oh please no, can't she just go somewhere else because she will tell everyone that I got her pregnant and I don't know if I did or not." -He gets his pencil bag out and his textbook from his backpack- "She gets on my nerves Jacob, she keeps wanting me back and I don't want her back."

Jacob: "Well there is nothing I can do about that, how about after school you come and hangout with me and Danny, we are gonna go to the mall for awhile since I'm off work today." -He goes back to taking notes-

Miles: "Sure...that sounds nice, I need to get out of the house for awhile, the student council doesn't have a meeting anytime soon, so yeah I will go with you." -He opens his textbook to the page number that was on the whiteboard at the front of the class as he then begins writing his notes-

-Not long after the school day was over and Miles met Jacob and Danny at the mall in town, Miles noticed Jacob and Danny laughing and smiling, he felt a little jealous but all he could do was smile a little-

Danny: "Oh hello Miles, I'm glad you decided to come, Jacob tells me so much about you and I was so excited when he told me we was going to hangout after school." -He smiles at Miles-

Miles: "Well it's better to be here than at home with my family and my little sister, I mean don't get me wrong I love my family but sometimes I need a break from them." -He looks at Jacob-

Jacob: -He smiles at Miles- "My check from work came in so that's why I had this planned, I really did think this would be fun for us to do then just going home and studying." -He walks inside the mall with the other two boy's- "I may buy me some new shoes or a new outfit, my closet is currently really boring."

Danny: "Bro you should get a new outfit for the party I'm planning for my birthday, my mom would love to meet you and so would my sister." -He smiles at Jacob-

Jacob: "Yeah, I think I should get a new outfit, but of course it can't be too expensive because I have to help my mother with the rent...and help her plan the funeral for my dad, oh and can Miles come to the party Danny?" -He looks at Danny and smiles a little-

Danny: "Of course he can come, I don't mind it at all he is your best friend and I don't want him to feel left out." -He smiles at Jacob as they start walking around the mall-

Miles: "Hey thanks...for inviting me to your party, I really do appreciate it...I don't really get out much and when I do I'm alone by myself in my car thinking about what my future will be like..." -He looks a little sad-

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