Lost in the Forest

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Aubrey and Kel find them selves stuck in the forest around their old hangout spot.

(I will rewrite this when I can)


Five friends, and a child, could be seen in their old hangout spot, enjoying a nice picnic. Two very tall and slightly tan young men with brown hair sat next to an average height boy with black hair and a short boy with lighter brown hair. Across from them was a young little girl napping on a young woman with long pink hair.

"Kel we aren't gonna play cards with you if you're gonna keep cheating!" The Taller boy with brown hair shouted.

"I'm not cheating, you just suck." Kel argued.

"Ladies, ladies, chill out." The girl with pink hair said.

"Huh, what I'm not a-" she put a finger over Kel's mouth.

"Just play the game, or else I'll have sally punch you in the gut." She said. She took her finger away from his mouth to let him speak.

"Oh please, sally wouldn't listen to you over me, isn't that right?" He looked down at the sleepy little girl. He frowned as she just blinked at him and hugged the pink haired girl tighter. "Besides, she couldn't even hurt me if she wanted, she's too small." Kel looked back up into the pink haired girls blue contacts. She narrowed her eyes,

"Would you like me to punch you in the gut?" She asked with a smug look on her face. Kels frown quickly turned into a rictus as he whimpered and shook his head.

"No thank you." He quickly got out. The pink haired girl looked triumphant. "Uhhh, whose turn is it?" Kel continued.

"Hmmm, I think it's Sunny's." The light haired boy said. Sunny looked shocked, he'd been focused on a little animal in the distance that he forgot they were playing a game.

"Oops..." he said as he placed down a card. The boy beside him placed down another.

"Ugh, this is boring!" Sally groaned. She flopped down dramatically on the pink haired girls lap. "Auby, do you wanna ditch these guys and play pretend?" She looked up hopefully into Aubrey's eyes. Aubrey adored the little mispronunciation the little girl had whenever saying her name. She couldn't help but smile and agree.

"Yeah, let's ditch these losers!" She said playfully as she glared at Kel. He grasped his heart in fake disbelief, playing along.

"We are not losers! You are!" Kel said as Aubrey and Sally quickly got up, getting ready to leave.

"Oh yeah, and how can you prove that huh?" Aubrey smiled at him, holding the little girl in her arms. Kel smiled in return.

"Oh I'll show you alright!" He said as he quickly sat up and charged after them. Sally screamed as Aubrey laughed and ran away, still holding the girl. Unfortunately for them, Kel was very fast, so he caught up quickly. Aubrey looked back to see Kel probably wasn't stopping anytime soon. She quickly set Sally on the ground and stood near her.

"Go Sally! It's too late for me! RUN!" She shouted just before Kel ran into her. Sally screamed as she watched Aubrey 'Fight for her life' "Sally run!" Aubrey shouted one last time before Sally nodded and dashed all the way back towards the others. Aubrey was still pinned to the ground getting "tackled" by Kel. They both laughed as they watched Sally scream and run all the way back to their friends.

Kel looked back down to see Aubrey looking at him. Her cheeks were slightly rosy, but he assumed it was because she was running in. "Who's the loser now?" He asked. She smiled at his words, which confused him. She slightly sat up and jolted her arms around him until she was practically hugging him. Kel felt his face slightly heat up, before she got a better grip and slammed him on his side and broke free from his pin. She then got up and stuck out her tongue, "Still you." She said playfully before running through the trees. Kel smiled and got up, chasing after her. Aubrey kept taunting him as every time he got close, she'd end up leaving him in the dust.
How was she so fast now? Kel asked himself as he didn't give up. He began to lose sight of her, seriously how was she so fast? Wasn't she struggling not even a second ago?! He said as he started to slow down, gasping for air. He lost her. He looked every direction, even closely searching for her but he couldn't see her. Be began walking calling her name out a few times.

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