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Mikey left his new friend's home. He had the best day ever!
Not juts he ate the best jambalaya of all times, he was also taken cared of and got his hair brided really cool!!
His new friends were awsome! He stayed there all day, he was aked to stay longer but he knew he had school tomorrow and didn't want to risk another argument with his father for being late home. He was given everyone's number and even crated a group chat. He was definetly keeping this friends.

Before leaving, Swift acompanied him outside. Once in the street, mikey jumped on his sckate.

Swift: hey, see you tomorrow?

Mikey: yeah man! After school i'm free!

Swift: where do you go?

Mikey: tomorrow i start at Urbandale high school. Why?

Swift: MC and Rabel go there as well, you are more then welcome to come back here with them after school whenever you want.

Mikey: thanks Swift. I will!

After that he quikly rushed home, knowing he would be in trubble for desapearing for so much time.
When he arrived he silently closed the door behind him, left the keys on the drawer, hanged his jacket and took his shoes off.

Yoshi: where were you?

The sudden voice scared him, he quikly jumped and tourned around to see who it was, even tho he already knew whose voice was it.

Mikey: with a friend of mine...

He tryed to walk passed his father to go to his room but he was quikly stoped.

Yoshi: you know what time is it?

Mikey: eigth?

Yoshi: exacly. What where you even doing out there for so long knowing you have school tomorrow?

Mikey: i told you. I was with a friend.

He tryed to scape again but this time his dad took him from the arm and didn't let go. Mikey paniked, he didn't want to get hit... His father wasn't one to use violance, but he was used to the streets and every time someone grabs you like that it means he's about to  get his ass kicked.

Mikey: let me go!!

Yoshi: i'm going to say this only once, Michelangelo. If you waist this last chance at your new school you will regret every single time you got in trubble, undertood?

Mikey: whatever old man!! Leave me alone!!

With all the yelling, mikey's siblings left their rooms to go see what was going on. They were on time to see their father rais his hand and slap Mikey really hard across the face. Mikey fall to the floor and hit the side of the door with his forhead. He didn't move for a second and then reacted while blood dripped slowly from the new cut..

Mikey: you... You just hit me...

It wasn't the first time but it was far more violent then the last ones. It almost felt as if Yoshi really wanted to hurt mikey... Did he?

Yoshi: you act just as Saki did... Careless, felfish... I am so much disapointed on you. You better behave in your new high school or else this won't be the last time this happends.

Yoshi left the room and desapeard behind a door. He was dead serious this time... It wasn't a meaningless threat.
Meanwhile, mikey was still there, on the floor, seing as his hands got staind with drops of thick yet red blood. None of his siblings dared to say something or to aproch him. Knowing this, Mikey stood up and, with the wall's help, he made his way into his room. Miwa looked as she wanted to help but... She wasn't sure... Mikey looked dizzy from the hit and for sure he was shoked. But no one cared that much.

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